7 - Rogues

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Sitting on the pack porch after lunch was relaxing. The sun reflected of my white fur keeping me cool in the heat.

For winter to be starting, it was abnormally hot. But I’m not up north anymore either. It would probably be snowing again at home. The north is my home land. Its where me and my wolf belongs. But without my mate, I’m helpless.

I growl at myself and lift myself from the porch. I walk through the pack grounds. A few wolves greet me while others ignore me completely. With such a large pack, it’s amazing that they don’t just take the crown for themselves. But Wulfric probably doesn’t want to. Maybe Willshay will.

I sigh and look around. The pack houses are behind me and nothing but trees surround my sides and front. My wolf urges me to run. I grumble but start to run anyways.

I sprint through the trees. I notice a familiar wolf join me turning it into a race. ‘Come on great Alpha. Show this Omega how it’s done.’

I laugh and push my feet forward more. My steps turn into leaps as I feel the ground turn into a springboard for my legs.

Within only seconds Wiley is gone. I stop and wait and he appears a moment later, out of breathe.

I laugh again. ‘Now what was that?’

Wiley catches his breathe and chuckles. ‘Sorry for the race. I wanted to race you but look how good that did me.’

I shake my head. ‘I don’t mind. At least someone in the pack finds me interesting.’

Wiley looks away and closes his mind from me. I laugh when I realize that he’s mentally blushing. I turn and start walking. Wiley falls in step a few feet behind me.

He opens our mind link again. ‘Well Alpha Tiffany, any luck with those eyes you saw?’

I sigh. ‘No, I saw them again earlier but they disappeared again. And no scent is left behind. It’s strange.’

Wiley nodded. ‘Yes, it is strange. Maybe he’ll show himself to you when he’s ready.’

I nodd. After a while Wiley leaves me so I walk alone. The sun starts to touch the horizon so I sniff the air and head toward the pack house. It’s much easier finding since one of the wolves informed me that you could smell it all over the lands. Strange but useful. I follow the smell till I arrive at the house.

A few hours later I lay on my bed in my pj pants and a baggy t-shirt. I open my phone and check the voicemail and texts for anything new. Nothing.

I put the phone up and look around the room. I notice a book shelf in a corner. I don’t remember seeing it before.

I get up and scan over the books. I read a few of the titles. Harry potter, Eragon, Hunger Games, Lighting Thief. I shake my head. All look like good stories but none are true.

I roll my eyes and decide to grab the Hunger Games. I end up falling asleep with the book.

I wake up late in the afternoon. Yawning, I get up and get dressed. My clothes are slowly disappearing. I’ll need to buy more if my credit card still works. But I’ll do that later. I want to find that wolf.

Once dressed I head downstairs and eat a small lunch. Afterwards I head out side and walk around the grounds again. More wolves greet me today.

I recognize the eyes of a man talking to a child. He looks up and sees me and smiles. “Good afternoon Tiffany.”

I smile back. “You too, Willshay. How is your dad?”

He shrugs. “Same as always. He’s over in the main hall west of here if you’re looking for him.”

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