17 - Pack Health

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When we get to the hospital I notice a large change in the smell. Instead of death I can smell the anesthetic and bleach in the air. When we enter I find that nurses are running around with medicines and carts full of fresh and clean bandages.

Cole looks at me and smiles a little. “Dante already fill the account for the hospital. So I heard it’s been like this since he deposited the money. I want to check on Liz before we check on the child.”

I nodd and we head up to Liz’s room.

The curtains are pulled open and Elizabeth looks better then she had the day before. As the sun light shines on her face I notice that a lot of the bandages are gone. And the casts are replaced with normal stiff wraps. She still has the breathing tube down her throat though.

Cole kneels next to the bed and grabs Liz’s hand. “I’m glad to see your better. You’re finally healing up. Tiffany is back with her mate. He’s done a lot for the hospital just in the last few hours. The pack is going to be moved to a safer place as well. Everything is looking up again.”

Cole leans up and kisses Liz’s forehead and whispers something that I just barely hear. “The pups will be safe.”

I tilt my head and look at Cole as he gets up. “What was that?”

Cole frowns and leaves the room. I turn to follow I’m but he is gone. I frown and look at Liz.

A nurse appears next to me and taps my shoulder. “Alpha Tiffany? Miss Rosa has been waiting for your visit ma’am.”

I nodd. “I’ll be there in one second. But I have a question about my beta, Liz. Is she pregnant?”

The nurse’s face drains of color. “Why, um… Yes ma’am.  But only by a few weeks. It’s something we had to check when she was first brought in from the attack because some of the medicines can harm a pregnant mother. But Beta Cole asked for no one to know till Miss Elizabeth is in better health.”

I nodd. “Thank you. I won’t get you in trouble. I’ll be going to Rosa now.”

The nurse nodded and left. I sigh as I look over Liz before leaving. I head to Rosa’s room where I find her watching cartoons on a TV holding her stuffed wolf. I smile as I watch her for a moment.

She finally notices and me and runs to hug me. “Alpha Tiff, Tiff! You came! I miss-ed you!”

I smiled and picked her up. She wraps her little arms around me as I walk over to her bed.

I gently put her down and sit next to her. “So what is Miss Rosa doing today?”

The girl smiles and points at the TV.

I nodd and smile again. “Were going to move soon Rosa. What do you think about that?”

Rosa nodds. “New home for Rosa? And safe place from bad wolves right?”

I nodd and Rosa smiles and holds up her wolf and makes a growling noise. I laugh and poke her in the belly. Rosa laughs and yawns.

I shake my head and look at her. “Well I need to work on helping everyone get better. Then I need to go help start to move us to a better and new home. So you just sit and watch your cartoons.”

Rosa nodds as her attention is glued to the TV again. I leave and walk to the closest nurses’ station and ask how I can help.

Hours later I walk home smelling like laundry soap and fabric softener. I don’t even bother to check in with my dad as I go up to bed.

Once in my room I collapse on the bed and pass out.

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