8 - She's Innocent!

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I find Wulfric in one of the other bedrooms. But I quickly realize that it’s an office.

He looks up from a book and smiles at me. “And to what do you need today my fellow Alpha?”

I sigh. “I want to discuss Nime.”

The Alpha frowns. “Nime? The rogue who killed my mate and attacked pups on our lands?”

I nodded. “That’s the one. I’ve talked to her and a friend of hers. I can sense the truth when she says that she didn’t do it. I think she needs to be released even if it’s with a minimum punishment for the trespassing.”

Wulfric grows. “And if the rogue didn’t do it then who did? My mate was slaughtered and the children were injured. Someone had to do it.”

I sighed. “If I can bring in whoever did it, will you let her go?”

Wulfric looked over me then sighed. “Only if you can bring in the culprit.”

I nodd and start to leave but Wulfric adds on. “But if she breaks another law, she will be put to death.”

I tell him ok and leave. I quickly go up to my room, strip, and shift. I run down the stairs and out the dog door. As I run I try to sniff out Tomas. It takes a minute but I catch a weak trail and follow it.

I follow it around the lands. A few times it would trail off in to unclaimed lands but I’d find a fresher trail coming back in. I end up following it for an hour before it becomes extremely fresh.

I stop and expand my mind and find his mind a mile away. I link to it before he can get any further. ‘Tomas, I have a question.’

I felt eh link grow stronger as he heads in my direction. ‘What is it now?’

I sigh and sit down. ‘It’s about freeing Nime. If I can find who really committed those crimes then I can free her peacefully and still keep my connections here. Do you think you can help me?’

Tomas grows over the link. ‘Maybe. Depends on if you want the real wolf or someone to blame it on in her place?’

I tilt my head. ‘I would like the real culprit. Why would I blame it on someone who didn’t do it?’

Tomas grows again. I hear him echo verbally as he comes into sight. ‘Because your informant is the murderer. If I get turned in Nime’s place then you will lose twice because Nime would kill you and you’ll never meet this purple eyed wolf.’

I looked over him. His words rang with truth. I sighed and looked down. ‘Well then I need to figure out something. Would it be possible to find another rogue who has committed crimes that we can blame these on?’

Tomas gave a wolfy grin and a sparkle in his eye. ‘I know the prefect wolf. But you’ll have to leave the pack lands to help me catch him.’

I sigh and looked at the retreating sun. It would be dark soon. ‘Better now than never. Lead on Tomas.’

He nodded and turn toward the border. I stood up and followed him as we left the lands. The spark flew through my spine as always making my hair stand on end. Tomas seemed unaffected by the border crossing though.

I followed him even after the sun disappeared and the blue sky was replaced by a starry darkness. Tomas kept his mind open and his nose tot eh ground.

The moon was well into the sky when he stopped suddenly. I almost walked into him.

He stood with his ears straight up and looked around. ‘Shhhhh… We’re close. Keep quiet. I’ll talk to him before we try anything.’

I crouched and followed as Tomas quietly walked forward. In a flash, a large red wolf appeared in front of Tomas with teeth showing. ‘Tomas! What are you doing here?’

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