14 - Home Comming

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~*Tiffany’s POV*~

I stop at the border of my pack. Dante stands next to me and looks at me. ‘Why did we stop?’

I sighed. ‘Last time I was here I was running away right before my wedding. Now I’m going back. I hope that I am not hated for running away.’

Dante huffs. ‘Well the only way you will find out is to go in. Standing here is only going to get us caught.’

I nodd and step over the border. My fur stands on end. Dante follows. Suddenly I hear a growl to my left.

I look and see Cole. Be he looks different. His fur grey fur is dirty and his eyes have a distant look to them. I try to link my mind but his mind is closed off. I search his eyes and see a pain and hurt.

Cole takes a step forward and growls again. I try to link again but I can’t get through to link to him.

Cole takes another step and lowers his head. I know this move. He plans on making himself smaller before he attacks.

I see his tail lower and he crouches. I link to Dante and yell. ‘Run! Don’t attack anyone!’

Cole leaps up and I dodge it and run toward the center of the pack. I turn to see I’m alone. Shit!

I turn back and find Dante and Cole fighting.

Dante is on top of Cole fixing to bite onto his throat. But I lunge and knock Dante off Cole.

‘I said don’t attack!’

Dante growls at me and lunges for Cole again. I step into the way and is hit with 150 pounds of pure wolf strength.

The air is knocked out of me and I feel a sharp pain in my chest. I try to move but the lack of air and the pain makes me cry out but instead I gasp for air. But my lungs won’t expand.

My vision starts to grow dark with spots and I see Dante standing over me.

He does something that looks like he’s fixing to attack me but instead I feel something touch my mouth. Finally my lungs fill with air and I start to choke. I roll over and cough and take deep breathes as I catch my breath.

The pain in my chest hurts more when I breathe but I’m glad to be awake.

I look to see Cole on the ground. I walk over and see his chest rise and fall. But his eyes are closed. I turn to Dante. ‘What the hell did you do?!’

Dante growls. ‘You jumped in front of my attack. But this wolf still tried to attack me so I knocked him out by charging and hitting his head. Then I resuscitated you.’

‘You did what to me?’

Dante huffed. ‘Mouth to mouth. I could tell that you couldn’t breathe from the way you were rolling around.’

I snorted and turned away. The pain in my chest made me cringe up.

Dante turned stepped in front of me. ‘I think one of your ribs may be broken.’

I huffed. ‘Ya think? And who do you think broke it!?’

Dante growled and turned away. ‘I’m sorry.’

I snorted again. ‘Bullshit! You broke my rib, nearly killed me, attacked and knocked out my Beta and best friend and you just say sorry?!’

Dante sighs. ‘I didn’t know. And why did he attack?’

I shake my head. ‘Something is wrong. His mind was shut off and his eyes were full of pain. I think something happened to Elizabeth, his mate. But I need to handle Matthew before I can help him. If you only knocked him out them we will leave him here.’

Dante nodded and started walking. ‘Well let’s deal with this Matthew.’

I try to take a deep breath but it hurts. I give up and take the lead again. We both head to the main house.

We don’t see a single wolf the entire way. But as the main house comes into site a small brown wolf appears. I recognize her as one of the Omegas. But she’s limping badly and one of her eyes are swollen.

I link my mind to her. ‘Rachael. What happened?’

She turns her good eye to me then cringes to the ground trying to make herself small.

I step closer and nudge her side. She whimpers.

I step back. ‘It’s me Tiffany. What happened?’

Rachael whimpers again. ‘Rogues, Regina, Alpha Matthew. They all… beat my family. The pups… all gone. Beta Elizabeth is gone. Pack is all injured. And Alpha Kyle does nothing. Please… help us.’

I stand in shock. My mother beating Omegas? And the pups? Elizabeth? Dad?

It’s too much. Anger flares through me as I realize how bad it is.

I growl and Rachael yelps and runs away. Dante tilts his head. ‘What did she say?’

I continue to growl. ‘The entire pack is hurt, something happened to Elizabeth, my mother is beating the Omegas all the pups are gone and my father does nothing to help.’

Dante sighs. ‘Well then let’s go.’

We walk quickly to the main house. Once there I turn to Dante. ‘After feeling your charge I think you could easily break into the front door. Because I don’t think I can shift with my rib broken.’

Dante rolls his eyes and walks away. I huff. ‘Where are you going?’

Dante ignores me and disappears behind a tree. He comes out dressed.

I roll my eyes and wait for him to open the door. Once it’s open I sniff around and follow Matthew’s scent upstairs.

I follow it to the office. The door is ajar and I can hear paper ruffling inside.

I slip in silently and jump up on the desk startling Matthew. “Shit! What the hell?”

I growl in Matthew’s face. Dante stands behind me and the desk.

Matthew looks at me and smiles. “So the runaway returns.”

I show my teeth. ‘Maybe but I’m back for good. I have a mate and you are out of here.’

Matthew smiles. “Sorry to pop your bubble but I’m not going anywhere.”

I growl. ‘Bullshit! You have to right to stay here. I am Alpha and you are not!’

Matthew laughs. “I guess you weren’t told. The Kingdom Pack already granted me my title. I am Alpha. Only way for you to get anything back is to challenge me one on one. But you’re only a girl. You can’t challenge me!”

I turn and look at Dante. ‘Maybe but my Mate can.’

Matthew notices Dante for the first time and his smile disappears. Dante smiles a little and cracks his knuckles.

Matthew swallows. “Only those of equal rank can challenge me.”

I sigh. ‘I am of Alpha rank and that makes him Alpha rank as well.’

Dante nodds. “I, Dante, challenge you, Matthew, for Alpha position.”

Matthew swallows. “Fine.”

Matthew stands and we walk outside. Matthew stops in the front yard. “This is one on one. Noone can intervene and it’s a fight to the death.”

Dante shrugs. “Makes it fun.”

Matthew frowns and shifts, ripping his clothes.

Dante shifts as well and they stand off.

I stand to the side and measure them up. Dante is larger and heavier but I’m not sure if he is faster. Matthew is small and lighter.

And then I notice one other difference. Matthew has been well fed. Dante is skinny compared to Matthew.

I have high prayers for Dante but my hopes are dashed after the comparison.

 But before I could think about the fight, Matthew makes the first move with a lunge at Dante.

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