21 - From Rogue to Omega

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~*Tiffany’s POV*~

In the morning I wake up to see sunlight filling the cave. I stand and stretch.

I better get used to the rogue stuff before trying to start on the pack’s first rank of omega.

I hop out of the cave and start to walk. I recognize the faint smell of Dante all over the place. He must’ve claimed the area with his scent. It would explain why I haven’t met any other wolves yet.

I head out of the area and notice a wolf watching me from a distance. I lift my head and stare back to have the wolf show teeth. A warning to watch myself.

I growl back and keep walking. As I step out of the area Dante has marked off, the wolf appears in front of me and growls. ‘Are you new around here? You don’t seem to be able to obey basic rogue laws.’

I growl back. ‘Maybe. What does it matter to you? If I break one then it’s not your business.’

The wolf laughed a little and I realize that this is a female wolf. ‘It is my business. You break a law and they are punishable by death. I’ll guess you don’t know what laws you have broken so I’ll tell them to you and let you off the hook this one time. I won’t be so kind next time.’

I growl and she shakes her head. ‘Pitiful. First law is never trespass over someone’s land or they have permission to kill you. Second is never challenge someone unless you know them. That’s just basic manners. And third is if you carry a particular scar, anyone may kill you. You have broken the first and second rules. The first was when you stepped out of Dante’s claimed land and one to mine. The second was when you growled at me after I gave warning.’

I lower my head a little but keep my eyes focused on the wolf. ‘I did not know. I will go back to Dante’s lands and stay there. I only wish to know if I am aloud to wander.’

The female laughs. ‘Wander? Noone wishes to wander out here. They only leave their area if there is business. But you must be very new to not know that. Some pampered dog you are. Well princess, you can walk on unclaimed land but that is normally near a pack or a few miles out in the middle of nowhere.’

I sigh and nodd. ‘I apologize. And I will admit that I am new out here. I’m on a mission for my mate and my pack. So I must learn the way of the rogue and then join another pack to be able to go back home.’

The female shook her head and laughed even more. ‘You speak as if you are an alpha. No alpha would dare leave their lands or else it is death for them. Be lucky you only smell like a rogue or else you would have been killed the very second you left your home. Who is your mate and old pack?’

I lift my head and look at her. ‘The pack is not your business. But my mate would explain why I was on her lands without death calling to me. Dante is my mate even if he will not accept it.’

The female showed her teeth and gave all of her attention to me suddenly. ‘Dante’s mate? You do not smell of him. Have you not been mated or marked?’

I shake my head. ‘He does not accept me like he should. But he has helped me.’

The wolf seemed to smile at this. ‘So you are an alpha. I feel bad for that whimpering mutt. He used to show power and strength but he has turned in to the lap dog he used to be. Well I would like to know your name before I kill you.’

I left my head and the wolf steps toward me. I turn and dash back on to Dante’s land. The female stands on the out skirts and snickers. ‘I will break a law to kill a lap dog for my mate, Rochelle. You don’t belong here mutt.’

The wolf charges at me and knocks me over. I jump to my feet and bite at her neck. I am able to feel flesh and fur so I snap my jaws together and pull. The female yelps and tries to pull away but it only makes my teeth go deeper.

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