27 - World's Quickest War

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A bout a week after everything is settled, Dante and I get a letter in the mail. I end up opening with Dante reading over my shoulder.

The Kingdom pack has decided to declare war against our pack for the right of control over others.

The moment that we finish reading the letter, I pick up the phone and call Willshay.

He agrees to help us on the condition that we allow each pack to run the way it wishes to run itself.

We agree with no problem.

Kyle comes in right after we hang up and smiles. “Did anyone happen to remember that the current Alpha of the Kingdom pack was once an Omega?”

We both look at my dad like he is crazy.

Dante frowns. “From what pack?”

Kyle laughs. “Yours. I did my research and found out that Jones was an Omega under you for three years but he ran away when things starting going downhill. Noone remembers him though. Somehow he worked up the ranks and killed the Alpha and took his place.”

I burst out laughing suddenly. “So we can just go it, use some Alpha power and kick him down?”

Kyle nodds. “Pretty much. And then who every has an Alpha gene would take over and the Kingdom pack would go back to its old name of the Comet Pack.”

Dante frowns again. “IT is it this easy then I swear that some people are really retarded. How many Alphas have talked to him and couldn’t just yelled and gotten rid of him. So there is no fight at all?”

Kyle shrugs. “Well we will find out tomorrow when I fly up there on a plane. If I don’t come back then I guess it means you better prepare for war.”

I roll my eyes. “I’m going to personally slap someone if that’s all we need to do.”

Dante chuckles. “As long as it ain’t me that you slap.”

I laugh a little. “So are there any other problems that are super important to clear up anymore?”

Dante shakes his head. “Nope. Strange. There is always a big problem.”

Kyle coughs and looks at the distance between where we each are standing. “Some problems fix themselves.”

Dante frowns and gets up and leaves the room suddenly. Kyle shakes his head. “We will come around. Tiffany, you should talk to him.”

I roll my eyes and nodd. “I’ll try to.”

I leave the room and follow Dante’s scent. I follow it outside and toward the border. I find him just as he is fixing to step over. “Dante, can we talk?”

Dante turns around and has a frown on his face. “Why?”

I take a deep breath. “Because we are mates and we should try to talk things out instead of ignoring them. We have known each other a few months now but we still ask like strangers unless it’s business. When is this going to end?”

Dante starts to turn away again. “Tiffany, I haven’t told you everything about my past. And most of it is the reason for everything going on. I am scared for you and the pack. None of it has to deal with me. So don’t worry about me.”

I grab his arm right as he tries to step out of the border. “I don’t care about the past anymore. I’ve learned to put that behind me. Whatever you did can’t be so bad that you have to punish yourself. Because you are punishing me in a way too.”

Dante looks at me. “I killed my own mother because I was playing with rogues when I shouldn’t have. My mom is dead. And when she died my dad fell apart and I wasn’t old enough to handle the pack. I ran away and they pack fall apart. But everyone still trusts me and respects me even after that. Do you really think I deserve to live happily after causing that?”

I sigh. “Everyone deserves happiness no matter how much they have messed up. You have paid your debt and you deserve to be the person you are meant to be now.”

Dante looks down. “Who is to say that my debt is paid?”

I tilt my head. “Who ever let me find you and let us be mates said so.”

Dante smiles just a little. “Well I want to say that they made a good decision.”

I suddenly feel arms wrap around my waist as a pair of lips crush onto mine. The sparks that I can feel lighting my blood in fire feels incredible as I kiss Dante for the first time.

After a few seconds of kissing Dante pulls away. “Dammit you smell like that mutt.”

I laugh as I look at the grey mark on my hand. “Well since we finally have some peace and quiet, you can fix that.”

Dante’s face shows shock. “Seriously?”

I smile. “The fire in my veins agrees.”

Dante smirks. “I know where we can go.”

Dante leads me across the border and oddly over to his cave. But when he moves the dog bed and I see a hidden door that opens to stairs. We head down there and I find that there is an entire house underground.

Let’s just say Wiley’s mark on my hand disappeared when a black mark appeared on my shoulder.

The next day Kyle leaves and calls up late in the evening to tell us that he was right. The Kingdom pack, now known as Comet Pack, it being ran by the nephew of the original Alpha. He comes home the next day to find me and Dante a happy couple. 

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