9 - The Purple Eyes

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I woke up on the floor the next morning. My back ached as I stretched. Must have been a nightmare.

Brushing it off my mind, I head down stairs and out of the house. It’s cool today as the wind blows a few fall leaves off the trees. I take a deep breath as my fur is caressed by the wind.

Wiley appears nearby. His face shows that he is laughing. ‘Hello Alpha Tiffany. How are you this morning?’

I shake my head and start walking to the jail house. ‘Gotta go pick up a friend and make a few conversations with rogues then I shall find a wolf I am seeking.’

Wiley follows me. ‘Ooooh so the Alpha is making deals with the law breakers now?’

I laugh a little. ‘No, only one is a law breaker. But he has information I need. Some rules need to be bent and others have to be broken. If that wasn’t true then I wouldn’t be here.’

Wiley tilts his head. ‘So rules would have kept you from coming here. This sounds like a juicy story. Can I hear about it?’

I shake my head. ‘Maybe later. I have work to do.’

Wiley huffs. ‘Ok Tiffany. Link to me if you need anything.’

I nodd and watch Wiley walk off. I continue to the jail house. The guard wolf pushed the door open for me this time and lets me in.

I head straight for Nime’s cell. Siegen is sleeping in the dog bed and Nime waits by the cell door. ‘I have been waiting hours. Wulfric came earlier and said that the cell should release me once you got here.’

Right as Nime spoke those final words; the cell door made a snapping noise and opened with a creak.

Nime jumped out quickly. ‘Come on. Let’s get out of here.’

She goes to race up the stairs but I snap onto her tail, making her stop. ‘Running will only get you in trouble. Walk with me and once we are in the woods then we can run to where I’m suppose to meet Tomas.’

Nime growled but obeyed.

The guard growled at Nime as we left but didn’t attack. Once we were out of eye sight I started to run. Nime kept up with me the entire time.

I stopped as we neared the border. Nime took the lead before I could start sniffing. ‘I can find my mate without his smell. Just follow.’

She leapt over the border and took off running. I shivered as I crossed the border but broke into a sprint to stay with Nime.

We ran for about an hour before she stopped completely. I stopped and looked around. There was a cave nearby but otherwise we were alone. Nime took a death breath and led me to the cave.

At the entrance she stopped me and looked at me. ‘You must promise not to harm anything or anyone.’

I nodded slowly. ‘I promise.’

Nime took another deep breath then led me in the cave. It was dark but as my eyes adjusted I could see a large dog bed against one wall. There was a dog door built into the back wall of the cave. Dim light come from the other side.

Nime slipped through the dog door first. I followed and was amazed by what I saw. We were at the top of a set of stairs. At the bottom there was a kitchen.

Nime lead me down and I looked around. There were three different hallways. Each a different color.

A blue hall way led to 8 doors. A red hallway had 10 doors and the green always held 5 doors. Each door had something written on them. Nime barked and a young child appeared and hugged Nime’s neck.

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