12 - Attack

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~*Elizabeth’s POV*~

I walk the border that has had the rogue breaches. I’ll meet Cole at the half way and we will circle back along this side.

I feel the sharp throb in my shoulder from the night before.

During that patrol a wolf half my size tackled me and somehow dislocated my shoulder. It’s almost healed but it still hurts.

I see my grey mate in the distance walking toward me. I smile to myself.

I touch my white tail to his grey tail as we turn a circle and begin walking back from where we came.

Cole links to my mind just then. ‘You still feeling ok? If I need to call Jake to take your place I can.’

I sighed. ‘No I’ll be fine. And Jake’s leg is still broken. You know we are the only ones well enough to patrol.’

Cole huffed over the link. ‘I just wish we could get some help or something. I wish Tiff was still here.’

I lower my head. ‘Me too. She would help us and fix this. She wouldn’t sit up in the house giving orders. And Kyle wouldn’t be ill and Regina wouldn’t be able to beat on the omegas. They didn’t cause this but she still beats them daily. This isn’t right. And the rogues know that we are weak now.’

Cole growled. ‘I know. I wish I could do more. But with Alpha Matthew in control we can’t fight back. And there is no telling where Tiffany went.’

I felt a pang of guilt. I hadn’t told anyone about my talks with Tiffany out of fear of Matthew. If he found out where she was he would kill who ever knew and didn’t tell him.

‘I wish she would come back soon. And Matthew isn’t Alpha yet.’

Cole sighed. ‘Might as well be. He acts like it and is the only one giving orders. The final initiation that he’ll get on Friday is pointless if he already uses it.’

I frown to myself. ‘Well all we can do is protect the pack. We’re the ones surrounded by packs and yet we are the only ones being attacked.’

Cole growled. ‘Unless we get help our pack will be dead soon. All our pups are already dead and the wounded fill the hospital. And yet the rogues continue to attack.’

I whine in sorrow. Suddenly a bush rustles to my left and I growl.

A large brown wolf steps from behind it and gives me a wolfy grin. I size myself up and realize that he is twice my size. And with my shoulder, I wouldn’t stand a chance.

A single thought crosses my mind as the wolf suddenly charges at me with teeth bared.

‘I love you Cole.’

~*Tiffany POV*~

I go up to my room and change before I look for Willshay.

I find Wulfric in the office instead. He looks up from a book as I enter.

I sit on a chair and clear my throat. “I was going to talk to Willshay since he is supposed to be training and I figured that he’d be the first to notify now. But I have a request.”

Wulfric sighs and shakes his head. “I’m still Alpha. But it’s fine that you are willing to go to my son easily. Speak your mind.”

I look away. “I found my mate but he is a rogue. I need you to allow him to stay the night before we leave tomorrow. And I also need permission for a family to pass through your lands because they are going to help me take my pack back. I would ask for your help as well but I understand the risk that could cause your pack and the trouble it could put you through. I only ask that you won’t turn a blind ear to me in the future if I call for help.”

Wulfric thought for a minute. “I will allow the breaches in my territory but you have until noon tomorrow to have them gone. As for the friendship, I agree for listen if needed. But do not expect action if such request comes.”

I nodd and smile. “Thank you!”

Wulfric waves me away.

I run out of the house and head towards Tomas’s home. Near the border I stop and search for the link with Dante till I find it. ‘We have permission for Tomas’s family to pass through and I have permission for you to stay the night.’

Dante sighed over the link. ‘That’s fine. Tomas wasn’t home so I talked to Nime. She said that if they join us, she’ll let us know before we leave. Were going by foot right?’

I laughed. ‘Of course not. That’s too far to walk.’

Dante didn’t sound amused. ‘Then how are we getting to North Dakota from Colorado? I don’t have any money and neither do Nime and her family.’

I frowned and sighed. ‘We can’t walk the full way. My pack is in the center of three other packs and the Kingdom is a day’s trip away from home. I have a credit card so I can get us to the pack but if we’re all going then we must walk part of the way I guess. If it was just you and me I could buy us plane tickets.’

Dante growls. ‘Damn planes. I guess we will decide when we hear Tomas’s answer.’

I sigh and turn back to the main house and start walking. ‘Let me know when you’re in the pack lands.’

Dante chuckled over the link. ‘I’ll be there in a few hours. I have to run to where I have been living and grab my stuff. Then I’ll see you. And I know how to get around the lands if that is why you’re telling me to check in.’

I roll my eyes and the link cuts off. Once back at the house I sit on my bed and occupy my time with a book.

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