Chapter 13: Not Completely Gone

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How yall doin my Pac Man pellets it's Power Plays here. Soooooooooo I said this chappy would be exciting and it will. However for setup reasons it will most likely be a little long. I'm sorry if people were waiting for this. So now on to the story.

I'd been at Thalia's strecher for three hours. I didn't even know until Gamma told me. I went out so others could see her but I wanted to strangle all of them. Especially the guys. There was a kid named Ish. He's the guy I hated the least. He felt more comforting than the other guys like he was a friend. But demigods and I can't get along. Because of... her. She's the reason we can't get along. I was thinking about this and walked to the beach where I saw two familiar faces. One was Poseidon and the other was Nico. They were talking to each other. I went completely invisible, no shadow, nothing. I walked over carefully being quiet enough so that I could hear. Dad was looking for him in the underworld. He... he's completely gone. I heard Nico say. Poseidon was keeping it together but he looked like he would die. He and Nico walked away as I sat and reappeared. I heard footsteps behind me and almost turned around but then Luke sat down right next to me. Hey. he said. Hey. I responded. Percy, look at me. I looked at him. What's up? he asked, as a brother would. The sky, I blatantly remarked. Percy, I can usually tell when you're down and now is one of those times. I sighed. I saw Poseidon. He was talking to Nico about me. He was genuinely worried and I didn't just want to break it to him that I was Percy. Everyone here seems to care about where I went. Everyone except Annabeth. Luke said nothing. Then he sighed. Ya know I saw her with this other guy. I didn't see why but now I do. She lives her life, you live yours, I live mine. Hey, you want to know a secret? He waved his hand, beckoning me to come close that way he could talk into my ear. I like Zöe. I just don't know how to tell her. Hmm. I thought out loud. Then my saviour came in the form of the dinner horn. Luke? Yeah? Zöe's gonna be at dinner! I ran as realization dawned on his face. Beta! I heard him yell as he chased me through the woods. We were there in no time. I ran up to Zöe just as Luke caught up to me. Hey Pi. Gamma has something to tell you. Gamma looked like he was going to kill me as soon as he could. Um hey Pi. I j-just wanted t-to say um... will you go out with me? Zöe had no expression for 15 seconds. And then she started making out with Luke. Oh K way to make it awkward for everyone else guys. And it was at that moment that I realized that ever since I had been taken in by dad that I had changed, become cold, hard, tough. And at that moment I realized I was back to my old self. At least until the next chapter.

Lol I really felt like breaking the fourth wall so I did. Anyway guys it took me a really long time to write this chappy. Sorry if I made you wait for a really long time. I promise I'll make the next chappy full of action but short. I hope. This one crossed the 600 word mark. Anyway thx 4 reading. Pac Man says goodbye!

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