I'm Back

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Hey everybody. It has been a while. I honestly wasn't expecting to write again but things happened. I want to say sorry to everybody who loves this story. I might as well say some yhings while I'm here. The last time I even looked at this thing was a year ago. Why? So many reasons. 1. There were a lot of other things I had to get done. I had tests, school, homework, family, friends, vacations, my youtube channel, my pc dying, getting a new phone, paying video games, just chillin, sleep. I had so much stuff to do and to deal with that there was no time to make more chapters. I had way too much stuff that I had to get done and dealt with and not enough tone to do it all. I do feel bad for neglecting this story and all of you that still read it hoping for a new chapter. I'm working on one right now and hopefully my wiring is of a higher caliber than it was before but it was too much to handle. I try to make these chapters long enough that they will take some time to finish by that means I have to devote more time to this story to write them. The other thing is I was out of ideas. I know how this story is going to end. I read the end of the last chapter so I know where I left off. But the big middle piece was missing. And not knowing where I wanted to take this story made me lose interest in writing it. After all, if I'm going to bother writing these I might as well make them good and when I lose interest in something, the quality goes down. I'm back. I know how this story is going to work. I know where I'm taking it. I know the big middle piece. I know the ending. I know the story now. I am one with the story. I'm not asking you to forgive my long absence. I am asking you to Krupp reading. I'm asking you to stay with this story. I'm asking you to stay tuned. Because I'm back.

Percy Jackson, The Son of Chaos (Slow Updates)Where stories live. Discover now