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Okay just a quick word, this is my first werewolf story EVER so I have no idea if anyone will like what I write, this is technically a test run so I can understand how to write one of them. Anyway I hope you guys don't find this a waste of time or anything . . .enjoy . . .


"It's as we fear, a harvest moon."

Just what I didn't want to hear. We had made a fatal mistake, losing track of the lunar cycle. This was no night to have been out here and we should have known that. For reasons we couldn't understand the harvest moon rendered us vulerable, weak. It had always been like that so why weren't we careful.

"Nala how far apart are your contractions?" My mate and leader of our pack asked as he began pacing restlessly. Prehaps, like myself, he sensed that something was wrong. The trees made no movements and no sound was carried along with the wind. Even the forest had turned against us. . .

"Two minutes." I managed to say.

If all went well we would be having a little girl. It wasn't often that the pack leader had a girl, many of us weren't sure whether to be happy or disappointed. I just knew that she was destined for great things and for that reason I would name her Maia, great warrior. I sucked in a deep breath as I felt another contraction. I had to remind myself that this would be over soon then we would begin moving. A new pack had arrived and we intended to put enough distance between us for the sake of the young pups.

"What was that?" Kaylene whispered. She didn't need an answer, it was clear that a pack was out and running but not just any, the Cerulean Mist. It was the distant howling of their alpha that sent us all into a mode of panic. I looked over to Julian and saw him snarling while he walked closer and closer to the place where the trees were more densely populated. The hairs on his back were standing up as he slowly made his way over. The other males fell in suite and soon were all headed that way, growling defensively. This was when it started. They shouldn't have gone over, they didn't have a chance, not tonight.

Out of the darkness jumped four pack members from the opposing pack. Their strategy was fierce and in seconds they had the advantage.

Their leader appeared and grabbed Julian by his throat. That was when everything got out of hand . . .before I knew it everyone had someone fighting . . .except me. I remained curled in the corner, watching in horror as they tore my pack to pieces one by one. 

Cara limped over to me with Ryder hanging from her mouth. She was in bad shape, we both knew she wouldn't make it. She groaned with him fixed tightly in her mouth. I looked over. After another minute she was on her side, nugding Ryder towards me. Just then another one of them lunged over at us and began tearing her apart. I took that as my opportunity and I grabbed Ryder by his scruff and bolted. I didn't get very far before I had to stop. The moment had come. I dropped Ryder and after another two minutes I had my little girl. Too bad I had no time to admire her.

"Listen to me Ryder, take her, take her and hide. You must be her watch, don't let aything happen to her, and if anything should go wrong, you two must build up the pack again." I whispered. He stared at me for a moment before he bagan licking my face apprehensively. "No time for that, just go." he gave me one more look before he turned and began dragging her away. He looked like he could barely managed as he dragged her along the floor and it didn't help that she was crying out. The wolves found me. I had to stall them . . .they couldn't find them . . .they couldn't find her . . .

I would protect her with my life . . .

---Ryder's POV---

This pup was heavy, it took alot to carry her and my mouth was getting tired.

I didn't understand why we were carried so far away but I knew we wouldn't be going back so I had to find us somewhere else.

This was just what I needed, some baby that I had to protect. Why did I have to do it?

I would have stopped walking but I remembered what mama had said about wolves having a good nose. We had to fo far or they would find us. That would have been scary. I dragged her for the whole night, her whining the whole time but then I had to stop 'cause I was really tired. Soon I fell asleep.

The next morning I woke up and saw a funny looking creature that stood on two legs instead of four. It had a funny looking face and it didn't have any fur. I never saw something like that before . . .Was that what mama looked like everytime she left us in the forest. . .? Was she a . . .a human . . .?

"John you have to come here." I heard it call, then some other funny creature walked over.

"A baby? Who would leave a baby out her, especially with all these wolves prowling around?" it asked.

Ba . . .by . . .? I turned and saw that Maia had turned into one of them! They picked her up and she began making a really annoying sound. 

"Can we keep her, please?" The first creature asked.

"Well I don't see why not." 

They two began walking away. I tried growling at them and they stopped and looked at me. I kept on growling.

"Aww, I think this little guy wants to come too, maybe they were lost together."

"But he's a wolf Katie."

"So? We can train him, please???? It looks like they are really attached."

The bigger creature let air out of his mouth then he picked me up by my scruff. I tried growling at him but then the two started laughing at me! "Come on little guy, you can come too."


Well atleast I got us somewhere safe, I just wondered how long it would take for mama to find us. . .

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