Gray Fullbuster x O.C (7 minutes in heaven)

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Original Character:

Character: Joking Jay

Age: 13

Description: Jay is a collective girl but has two personalities.

Personality: Nice, Smart, Mean

Powers: Telepathic communication(read minds), Talks to animals, Turns invisible, and controls the elements


A/N: For this story Gray will be 14 instead of his actual age. So yeah.


****3 days before the party****

Jay's POV:

I was hanging out at Fairy Tail chatting with Wendy about how we're both excited for the party. It was like any normal day; I was always was talking to Wendy and Madison, while Mira worked behind the bar and everyone else was doing their own thing.

"Hey Jay. Guess What?" Madison said.

You see Madison is a Music God Slayer and Wendy is a Sky Dragon Slayer. And Man, I am kind of Jealous that Madison can make friends easily, like I mean she's friends with the whole Guild and she joined this guild a month ago. Man she's lucky.

"What?" I say staring at her.

"Well, I over heard Laxus, Mira, Lucy, Erza, and Gajeel talking and their thinking about putting a game into the party." Madison said grinning like an idiot.

"What game?" Wendy asked a bit excited.

"Well I over them say 7 minutes in heaven. Man I love that game." Madison says smirking.

"Wow, Mads. That game sucks like left over pizza four days later. How do you like that game? I mean your only 15, 16." I say trying not to laugh at the end.

"I'm 16. And don't forget, you are 3 years younger than me. And besides I'm best friends with Gray and everyone else around here. Like I mean I can help get the guy you like to notice you at the party in three days." Madison said with a serious face.

I have to admit I'm kind of scared of Madison when she get's serious. Like I mean really scared.

"Uh.....o-o-o-ok. Got it."

****A day before the party****

So it is a day before the party and I can not wait until the party. Madison, Wendy and I are going shopping to look for something awesmazing to wear to the party. As we were shopping I found this beautiful (f/c) dress and (f/c) flats. When I looked at the price my heart sank and I think Mads noticed because she came over to me and grabbed the dress and paid for it. I look at her shocked as to why she would buy that.

"What? You honestly think I wouldn't let you get the dress you want because it's too expensive? And besides Mira is going to try to do this couple thing, where she matches everyone up. I'm glad I'm not a part of it. Oh and here. I bought that dress because I knew you like it." Mads said smiling.

"Thanks. And wait what do you mean your glad your not a part of it? You don't want to be matched up?" I asked confused.

"Uh....Hey Wendy did you find a dress you want?" Mads said while walking towards Wendy seeing her eye that dress.

I ran up to them and look at them funny. Wendy then walked past us and went to pay for her dress. I look at Madison because she was acting strange.

"Mads? Why won't you answer my questions?" I ask concerned.

"Ok fine I'll answer your questions. Ok the reason why I'm glad I'm not apart of it is because I'm too busy with the game that we're gonna play at the party. And I also am already matched up with someone but they're kind of far away. So Mira isn't pairing me with anyone. That's why." Mads said sadly.


She looks at me shocked.

"Um....Because I know you would get like this. You know get mad, scream and tell me how much of an idiot I am. So that's why I didn't tell you. Now please come down. Your causing a scene." Mads says calmly.

I calm down and apologize. For some odd reason Mads wasn't mad she just smiled and messed up my hair.

****Next Day: An hour before the party****

It was an hour before the party and I ask Madison and Wendy to come help me get ready. Madison put my hair into curls and did my make up with neutral colors while Wendy did my nails. I thanked them and I went to go put my dress and shoes on. Madison and Wendy were already ready.

***Time Skip: At Party***

So I'm at the party hanging out and chilling when I see Madison walk up to me. I look at her and she shoves a bag into my face. I look at her confused.

"Pick something out of the bag. Also no peeking." Mads say grinning.

I just nod my head and put my hand in. I felt around looking for something interesting. As I felt around the bag I felt something soft but rough like fabric. I grab and pull it out. I notice it was boxers. Who the heck puts boxers into the bag for 7 minutes in heaven. I mean what. Before I could figure out who put these boxers into the bag, Madison and Erza grabbed my arms and pulled me and then pushed me into the closet. I look around for a light but I couldn't find one. The door then re-opened and I then made myself invisible.

"Hello?" The familiar voice said.

I then make myself visible, so he could see me.

"Hi." I say.



"So you picked my item from the bag. Why?"

"Cause I thought it was interesting, so I pulled it out. Oh yeah here's your boxers by the way, Gray."

"T-t-thanks. Um...So what are we suppose to do for this game?"

"Well usually your suppose to kiss the person that is in the room with you. Why Gra-" I was about to finish asking why until I felt a pair warm smooth lips touched mine.

I stare at him shocked before melting into the kiss. As we were kissing it felt like fireworks were going off right now. We both then pull away panting and I begin to blush.

"Hey Jay? Remember when we first met? I mean when you joined?"

"Yeah I remember. It was quite funny that you always thought fighting Natsu was fun. And you still do. I remember when Mira introduced us. I was glad when I met you because I don't know why but I have had a major crush on you since we first met and I still do for some odd reason."

"Well that's funny because I had a major crush on you too since we first met. And I still do too, Jay. Jay do you want to go out with me sometime? Like on a date." Gray asks.

"I would love to go on a date with you. Also how many minutes have we been in here?" I ask.

"I believe 4 or 6 minutes that we have been in here."

"Oh ok." I say smiling.

After few seconds of silence Gray and I began to kiss again but this time it turned into a make out session. The doors flew open and Gray and I heard a click from a camera. We both look to see Mira holding a camera and Madison and Wendy Smiling. I begin to blush and look at Gray who was holding my hand. We then get up and walk towards the rest of the guild. We began to chat and I really can't wait until the next time we have a party and I also can't wait until mine and his first date comes.

Various Characters!!! *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now