Ayato x Reader (Baby Daddy)

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This was requested by: angel1118

How you met:

You were watching (favorite movie) when your older sister, Madison came in with her friend Ayato and your friend, Yui. "Hey. Who's he? And hey Yui. I didn't know you were coming over." "Oh hey (Y/N). Yeah sorry I didn't call you but your older sister said I should leave it as a surprise." Yui said smiling. "But still doesn't answer my question. Who is that guy?" you ask and Madison laughs. "This is my friend Ayato. Ayato this is my younger sister, (Y/N)." Madison said smirking. "It's nice to meet you, (Y/N)." "Right back at ya." you say as grab Yui's arm and then pulled her away.

How it happened:

You were in the kitchen making (favorite food) at the Sakamaki mansion. As you were cooking, you felt a pair arms wrap around you. You turn around and see it is your boyfriend, Ayato. "Hey what's up?" you ask. "Nothing. Can't I come help my girlfriend with dinner. Or at other things." Ayato said making you blush a tiny bit. "What type of other things?" You asked. Ayato smirked and began to kiss down your neck earning a moan. You look at him with lust fill eyes and then things got heated in the kitchen....

How she found out:

You weren't feeling so well so you decided to see Ayato's brother, Reiji, to ask him if he had any ideas of what is going on with you. You explained everything to him and what he said shocked you. "I-I-I'm pregnant?" You say as you stare at him. Reiji smirked and said "You know (Y/N) you should be glad. You are giving birth to a baby vampire." You look at him in shock but then stood up and said thank you and then you left the room. You couldn't help but wonder what Ayato would say if he finds out.

How she told him:

You were pacing around your room trying to figure out what to do. You were thinking of many different scenarios of how Ayato would react about you being pregnant. As you were thinking of the possible outcomes, Ayato came up behind you and kissed your neck. "Hello my sweet flower." he said as you just stay were you are standing. You turn to look at him but then you turn your head to the side. Ayato noticed and looked at you confused. "(Y/N) is something wrong?" Ayato asked concerned. You look at him shocked but then you shake your head no. Ayato could tell you were lying. "(Y/N) what is wrong?" "Nothing. Why Ayato?" "Because your acting strange (Y/N). And I know when something is wrong, after all I can sense it." "W-w-what? N-nothing is w-w-wrong." you stuttered. "(Y/N)!?" Ayato said getting serious. "Fine do you want to know wrong? Then I'll tell you! I'M PREGNAT YOU BAKA!!!!!" you say angry. Ayato looked at you shocked. "Y-y-your p-pregnant?" you nod your head and then wait for him to say something else. You were hoping he would be excited but man were you wrong. "(Y/N) get rid of the child now!!!! I don't want it and we're not ready to be parents!" Ayato shouts/says. You stare at him shocked but then look to the ground. "I'm not getting rid of the child, Ayato. I am ready to be a parent, the only one who isn't ready to be a parent is you. And if you don't want this child...Then....Then I'm leaving because I don't want to around a guy who thinks he's right. But the truth is he is always wrong. I'm sorry. But bye Ayato." You say and with that you left.


You were now 7 months pregnant and you couldn't wait until your children are born. Your older sister, Madison, helped you with everything and you thanked her a lot. But you did wish Ayato would have helped you through this but he made his choice. You are reading a book in the living room on the (f/c) arm chair, when you felt a weird liquid run down your left leg. You thought you just pee'd yourself until you felt a sharp pain in your lower abdomen. You then called your sister. "MADISON!!" Madison came in running in looking at you in shock. "What's wrong?" "Uggghhh, Baby...Coming....Now!" Madison looked at you with wide eyes but then she helped you up and brought you to the car and was starting to drive you to the hospital. But before you even made it to the hospital, you grabbed Madison's arm. "Mads....the....baby....is....coming....now. I....don't....think....I'll....be....able....to...wait any longer. Uggggghhhhh!" "Ok, ok, I'll pull over." Madison said and you were trying not to scream. Madison pulled over and after a few hours, Madison had you push. After six hours you gave birth to a son named, Akio, and to a daughter named, Ragna. You loved them very much.

***Few hours later***

Madison brings you to the hospital to make sure Ragna, Akio and you are ok. You three were all ok. The twins were asleep and then you started to drift off into a peaceful sleep.

3 years later:

You are trying to get Akio and Ragna ready but all they want to do is to play with their toys. You sighed and then heard a knock on the door. You thought it was Madison but when you opened the door you see Ayato. You look at him shocked but then turned your face to the side a bit pissed. "(Y/N) can we talk please." "What's there to talk about Ayato!?" You shout at him. "(Y/N) I know I made a big mistake. I shouldn't have said those things three years ago. I feel bad. I miss you. Like I mean I can't eat, can't think, and can't sleep because of what I said. I'm..." He was then cut off by, Akio and Ragna's voice's. "Mommy!" They both say as they run over to you. You look down at them and then pick them up. "Mommy, who that?" Akio asked while Ragna nodded her head. "Um...This is..." "I am one of your mom's old friends. My name is Ayato. What are your guys names?" "My name is Akio." "And I'm R-Ragna. It's nice to meet you Mr.Ayto." You laughed at how Ragna tried to pronounce Ayato's name. Ayato smiled and said "You almost got my name right Ragna." Ragna began to giggle and so did Akio. You smiled and let them go, so they could play. They run off and you and Ayato look at each other. "So their names are really cute and cool. Look I'm really sorry (Y/N). I know I don't deserve your forgiveness but I want to let you know that I am really sorry." You then grab his collar to his shirt and kissed him. Ayato stood shocked but then kissed back. Akio and Ragna looked at each other and then at their mother and yelled Ew! You and Ayato pulled away blushing and looking at Akio and Ragna. "Mommy why were you kissing that man?" Akio asked. You look at him and begin to blush even more. "Uh...Well you see....This man is your father." You say blush a crimson red now. "Daddy?" The twins say in unison. But then they smiled and ran to Ayato and hugged him. Ayato smiled and hugged them. You smiled and laugh watching the twins use their father(Ayato) as a jungle gym. Ayato then looked at you smiled. "So does that mean I am forgiven." Ayato asks. You laughed and then kissed him. You pulled away and then said "Does that answer your question?" You both laugh and were happy with this smile little family you guys had.

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