Fred Weasley x OC (7 minutes in heaven)

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***Two days before party***

Cass' POV:
I was hanging around the court yard at Hogwarts, When Mya walked up to me smiling.

"Hey, Mya. What's up?" I said as she handed me an envelope.

"Open it, Cass." Mya said smiling.

So I open the envelope and there was letter. I open the letter and it said...

To Cass Bennett,
You are invited to the most greatest and most popular party ever. Please tell us if you will be coming as soon as possible. Must warn you the party is in Hogsmeade at The Three Broomsticks. Hope to see you there.


"Hey Mya, who are G,L,G,L,M?" I ask.

"Ginny, Luna, George, Lukas, and Mya, a.k.a me." Mya says smirking. "So are you coming? Oh yeah, the party is in two days."

"Sure, Why not." I say and then Mya left.

I swear I am in for it.

***Two days later: A few hours before the party***

I am getting ready for the party so I go take a shower. After I finished my shower, I get out and dry off. After I finished drying off, I went to my trunk/Suitcase in my dorm room and pulled out a black tank top with black yoga pants and a red plaid jacket. I put them on and then grab my red converse shoes and put them too. I then walked up to the mirror in mine and Luna's dorm room and started to work on my long copper hair. I put my hair into curls and then put it up into a ponytail now. I then start putting in my earrings in my ears, two to be exact in each ear. I then hear footsteps and then the door open. I turn around to see Luna.

"Ready to go, Cass?" Luna asks.

I nod my head and smile. We then left and headed towards Hogsmeade without any of the Professors knowing.

***An two hours later***

We're in Hogsmead now at the Three Broomsticks enjoying the party. I'm grabbing something to drink for me and my friends. As I was doing that, I heard Mya yell....

"Who wants to play a game!?"

Everyone went silent until they all started cheering except me.

"What game?" I ask Mya.

"10 minutes in heaven. Here you go first. Pick something from the hat." Mya says smirking.

"Don't you mean 7 minutes in heaven?" I ask not putting my hand in the hat.

"No I mean 10 minutes in heaven. NOW CHOOSE!" Mya says/yells while smirking.

I then put my hand in. As I was feeling around the hat, something felt very interesting, So I pull it out. I then look at it and it was a Dung bomb. I was so confused and before I could say something I saw Fred walk up to us.

"Ok, Fred. Attic?, Bedroom?, Basement?, Closet? or Kitchen?" Mya asks and I stare at her like what!?

"Attic!" Fred said smiling.

"Ok then, Here is the spell to get into the Attic. Have fun you two." Mya says smiling as Fred nods and grabs my arm, pulling me away.

We get upstairs and walk down a couple hall ways and then stop to see a door above us. Fred then does the spell and I have no idea what he said. After he said the spell, the attic door opened and then a ladder came down. We went up the ladder and see that the Attic was the color Crimson Red. I was so happy to see that the attic is my favorite color. I then hear the attic door close and I felt two arms around me. I turn around to only to get kissed by Fred. I pull away shocked that he kissed me.

Fred's POV:
After the attic door closed, I wrapped my arms around Cass. She then turned around and I then smashed my lips onto hers. Cass pulls away and I look at her funny.

"What's wrong?" I ask a bit confused.

"Nothing, I was just shocked that you kissed me. I thought you didn't like me because I am in Ravenclaw and well Your in Gryffindor. I love you..." Cass then covers her mouth with her hands after she realized what she just said.

I smile and then grab her hands away from her lips. I then lean forward and kiss her again. This time she kissed back but this time I pull away smiling.

"I love you too, Cass." I say now grinning.

Cass' POV:
"I love you too, Cass." Fred said while grinning like an idiot.

I pull my hands away from him. He looks at me crazy. I then grab his tie and kiss him. He started to kiss back and I could feel him smile. I smile into the kiss as well. I felt Fred's toungue slid across my bottom lip. I wanted to be a tease, so I didn't open my mouth. I could tell he didn't like that. I then felt something squeeze my butt. I then gasp and Fred took this chance to slide his toungue into my mouth. We began to battle to see who will get win. But Fred won. He explored my mouth and we both smiled. As we were making out, I began to undo the buttons on his top after I loosened his tie. Before we could get anywhere, We hear his phone ring. He then picks it up.

Fred's POV:
Before we could get anywhere, We hear my phone ring. I then picks it up.

***Phone Call***
"Hello?" I ask.

"Times up, Fred." Mya says.

"Ok, We'll be right down." I say.

"Ok, see you downstairs." Mya says and then hangs up.
***Done Phone call***

I then hang my phone up and put it away. I then looked over to see Cass fixing her shirt and hair. I walk up to her and whisper...

"Times up darling."

She then turns around and smiles. I then kissed her one more time while fixing my shirt and tie. Cass then pulls away and smiles.

"Then lets go back to the party, hunny." Cass says which made me smile.

"Yes, Let's." I grab her hand and take her downstairs.

Normal POV:
As soon as Cass and Fred get downstairs and everyone stares and smiles. Cass sat on Fred's lap as they talked for the rest of the party.  

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