Undertaker (Adrian Crevan) x Reader (One-shots)

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You were his assistant.

You'd help out with the autopsies and making the coffins. You'd even cook when he was too busy. To him all you were was his protégée. His helper. To you, he was your everything.

One day, you were finishing a cherry oak coffin when you heard him call your name.



"Can you come here for a minute?" you set down your paintbrush and cleaned your hands on your apron as you walked to the cremating room. What he wants now, you had no idea.

When you entered the room, you noticed an open coffin on the far side of the room, walking towards it, you felt a presence behind you. As you turned around, you felt hands grab your shoulders and slam you into the coffin. You had closed your eyes and when you opened them, you saw the undertaker's eyes for the first time.

"U-Undertaker, what are you doing?" he put a finger on your lips to silence you.

"Hush love, I merly wanted to test this coffin." you blushed lightly as he smashed his lips into yours and closed the coffin door.

Heyo!! This is NoOneListened. I'm a new author to these one-shots! Problem is, I only really know black butler and death note. And I only know how to write romance stories.... *Looks down* anyway, *Sways a little* if you have any requests, please don't hesitate to ask!

Various Characters!!! *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now