Sebastian Michaelis x Reader (Lemon)

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"Y-yes?" you snap your head up from your book to look into the piercing red eyes of Sebastian Michaelis, the head butler of the Phantomhive estate.

"The young master has ordered me to keep you company. And I intend to do so. So please try not to space out." his voice takes on a pleading tone. One you've never hear him use. Not in your four months of dating (secret dating, Ciel must NEVER know.) or EVER.

"I'm sure my cousin has only our best interests in his heart. And I wasn't spacing off, I'm reading my book." you tell him defiantly, which earns you a 'Sebby smirk'.

"Upside down?" you feel the blood rushing to your normally (sc) cheeks, making you flush red.

"I'm-I'm very talented." you retort.

"I'm sure you are."


"Not in the slightest." he has a way with words that has always stumped you, no matter what the subject.

"You're pretty talented too, you know..." he looks over at you, his red eyes staring into your (ec) ones.

"You think so?"

"I know it. You can do just about ANYTHING. You're much more than a normal butler. Or even a normal man for that matter." he gives you that same look.

"On the contrary, I am simply one hell of a butler."

"Amen." that earns you a laughing Sebby.

Your POV
My boyfriend is sitting beside me, laughing. I didn't even say anything funny...

"What's so funny?" I probe.

"Nothing, kitten. Please forgive my momentary lack of manners and composure." I wave my hand,

"No need to apologise, Sebby." I lean forward to kiss his cheek, but he turns his head at the last second and my lips collide with his. At first I pull away a bit, but then begin to deepen the kiss. His lips moving against mine in sync. Sebby's toungue drags lazily accross my bottom lip, asking for entrance, which I grant almost instantly. His tongue explores my mouth and one of his hands cup my cheek and the other pulls me closer. Not that I mind.

I tug at his tailcoat, which obviously won't work to get it off any faster... In an instant he has his tailcoat, tie and shirt off and is slowly working on the back strings of my dress when I pull away slightly,

"What about Ciel?"

"He's busy with paperwork at the moment. I have the other servants attending him. No need to worry, Kitten." he tells me and we go back to making out.

Soon he has my (FC) dress off me and I'm in nothing but my underclothes, corset and stockings. Sebastian picks me up and lays me on the couch furthest from the window, so as to give us some privacy. Normally I would protest at this sort of behavior, but I'm feeling a little rebellious today. I wrap my legs around his waist and tangle my fingers in his hair, pulling him closer. His hands gently caress my body and he trails kisses down my jaw and neck, making me moan when he kisses my sweet spot. He smirks and his he moves his face back up to eye-level and begins kissing me again. Only this time, rougher and more passionate, in a hungery way. I respond with just as much firey passion.

My hands trail down his chest and find the button on his pants, which I start undoing. Sebastian, while supporting his full weight on one arm, starts to pull my panties down as I finally undo his trousers, feeling 'something' hit my leg. My heart is going a mile a minute.

Narrator's POV
You wrap your legs around his waist again and his member slowly enters your domain. Sebastian's hands explore your body as your hands do the same with his. His hands linger on certain 'parts' as he thrusts in and out, your breathing growing heavier with each passing moment.

"M-more..." you moan and he delivers, making you moan more and more. He smashes his lips into yours so as to muffle the sound (not like any other 'noises' cant be heard at this point). Very soon you feel a strange feeling, one you could possibly only describe as a 'happy' feeling, at the same time, you feel him speed up and his 'thing' grows harder, then you feel a hot liquid hit your leg.

Your POV
Sebastian's forehead rests on my shoulder as his body tenses up and I feel something run down my leg. A hot, liquidy substance... Did he just- my eyes widen and I feel blood rush to my cheeks again. We both lie there, panting.

"Looks like you're one hell of a lover too.." that comment just earns me a 'Sebby smirk'.

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