Chapter 38- Desire

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Paisley's POV

There's about 45 minutes left until the park closes for the night, and I get the sudden idea of taking Ashton somewhere special. Every summer night, Sea World puts on a firework display, and where I'm taking him will be perfect for watching the night sky too. We walk hand in hand towards the back of the park.

We're almost to the my special place when I curiously ask Ashton, "Were you scared when Kalia took me back out into the water?"

He looks like he's about to say something, but then changes his mind, I guess. "Psshh, no. Ashton Irwin doesn't get scared," He says with confidence.

"Okay, coming from the guy who thought he was going to die when we were sitting out of the water, behind a glass barrier, and at our table?"

"Don't sass me," he tells me with an almost serious look on his face, but I notice the small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.

"Um excuse me. I'm Paisley, I do what I want here Mr. Irwin," I scoff jokingly.

He stops walking and pushes me against the wall of the building that we were walking next to, catching me off guard.

"Well, hello there, Paisley, you're not the only one that does what they want," he says with a cheesy grin.

"Oh no! I'm so scared of bad boy Ashton," I say with sarcasm as I giggle.

"No, it's Daddy," he corrects me. I look up into his eyes and they're a shade or two darker than usual, and that scared me. I was no rookie to what this meant, lust. Reading fan fictions had taught me well, but I felt a pit in my stomach because I didn't know what to do. I was only 16, and He just turned 21, it's just.. I don't know if I'm ready. I feel super selfish to know that I'm dating the handsomest guy on the planet that girls would kill to be with and I'm not sure how far I want to go with him. "You've been a naughty girl, haven't you?" He asks with a smirk, his eyes were still clouded with lust.

"Mhmm," I replied with a shaky breath. The adrenaline coursing throughout my body made me feel so alive, like I've never felt before. So this is what it felt like to live. The only problem is that it came with a cost, being an outcast from my family, if they found out.

He leans in closer to me, with his hand placed on the wall a few inches to the right of my head for stability and the other was pressing me against the wall by the waist. Our foreheads connect and I just want to kiss him really bad, so I tilt my head up to touch my lips to his.

His lips graze past mine as he pulls away from me and says, "C'mon, let's go to the hotel." What a tease.

He backs away and grabs my hand and we start to walk in the direction that we just came from. I end up leading him to the exit since he has no clue on where to go. We leave and he drives us back to the hotel where we will be staying for 5 nights, neither of us saying a word the whole time, which is the first time that's ever happened. As we're driving down the road, the loud booming sound of fireworks pierces the silence in the car.

When we arrive, I call my parents to meet with them before bed. Ashton and I say goodnight to them after we get the room keys and unload our stuff into our room. The suite contains has one bed, a desk, vanity, shower, toilet, couch, TV, fridge, and a microwave. Of course, it's not as luxurious as the one that Ashton and I stayed at in Anaheim, but it will be just perfect for the two of us. I'm still surprised that my parents booked a room for just Ashton and I, let alone sleep in the same bed. Maybe they were assuming that I'd take the couch.

He throws everything that he has in his hands onto the couch and picks me up to toss me onto the bed. I'm surprised, but not too much since he was just in that mood. He crawls up and looms above me, kissing my forehead gently. Okay, so he's suddenly gentle after hurling me onto the bed and pushing me up against the wall at Sea World? To be honest, I liked rough and naughty Ashton as much as gentle and sweet Ashton. I'm not gonna lie, his dominance turned me on the majority of the time, but I didn't want him to see that.

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