Chapter 4

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Faith P.O.V

I woke up hearing voices in the room. I didn't know where I was because all I remember was falling. That's all. Nothing else. Then I heard someone speak.

"Well we brought Faith's favorite flowers and some chocolate" Damien said

"You brought her chocolate? you know she . . ." David said but I interrupted him.

"You brought me chocolate?" I said in a raspy voice. Trying to look around. What? I thought I opened my eyes. Why is it so dark in here did they break the light switch. Knowing them they would.

"Guys...why is it so dark in here? what you do break the light switch?" I asked with humour but a little bit of nervousness in my voice.

Oh no, no,no this can't be happening please no. Don't tell me.

"Guys are the lights off" I asked with urgency in my voice.

I heard a door open and someone come in.

"Hello miss do you know who you are and where you are at?" a voice that was unfamiliar to me asked.

"My names Faith and no I don't know where I am I can't see...I'm ..bli..nd." I said breaking off into sobs.

"Faith you are in the hospital do you know what happened before you woke up."

"I was pu..shed off the balcony and I ..I fell." I said remembering the scene happen.

"Can you open your eyes for me" the doctor asked me. I opened them even wider if that was possible. I knew right then I was blind. Then the worst things came out of this guys voice which I presumed to be the doctor. He asked me if they could run more test on me. I agreed wanting to them to tell if this was permanent or only temporary.

"Honey do you need anything" my mother asked. I nodded my head no.

"Do you want to go home" my father asked. I shook my head up and down saying yes. I really want to go home I wanted to get of this unfamiliar atmosphere and go to somewhere were I knew were everything was except that know I was blind and couldn't see any of the place I called home. I didnt want to speak to them. I was to shocked that I was blind to speak to them.

"Why aren't you speaking" Damien asked me. I just shrugged knowing he would understand me. The doctor told me I had broken two ribs, my right arm, my right leg, and I'm blind. So I had to stay in a wheelchair until I wa healed completely and able to walk with my broken bones he said it would be about a week until I was healed because I have been in the hospital for that long.

We finally got home. I was happy that I was finally home. It was hard to get into the car they couldn't help me into the car so David picked me up and put me into the car. We sat in the car getting ready to head home. It was kinda of awkward because the ride was silent the atmosphere seemed tense. No one wanted to break it and I don't think they wanted to bring up anything that would cause me to try and look at what they were talking about. I already felt all of their constant stares at me as if they couldn't believe I was blind. I mean I couldn't even believe I was blind. The doctor said it would be good to go back to school the only problem was I wouldn't be able to see anything that they were going to teach me. He said that I should have someone tell me what we are learning because he didn't want me to leave the old life I had because it can affect my brain and I could lose the memories or pictures I had of my friends and school and he said it was. Important to keep these memories so I could try to visualize what is going on around me. I was not happy to go back to school since I would be blind. They said school would start in a week in a half Christmas was around the corner I was excited but not excited because I wouldn't see what I was getting for Christmas. I know right depressing way to think positively but right now that is all I'm thinking is negative, negative, and double negative. You know before this accident I always told my self think positive and everything should turn out right. I guess I should start thinking positively.

I felt David's arms grab a hold of me and lifted me out of the car and into the wheelchair they said they installed a temporary ramp for me to use to get in and out of the house easily while I was in the wheelchair. They brought me inside. I was happy to be home but I couldn't see it. Then I smelt something that was freshly cleaned. I realized that my smelling and hearing increased I guess it is true when you loose one of your senses all the other ones multiply to make up for the lost one. I smelt ..meatloaf, green beans? I wonder. This might not be so bad after all. What? I told you I need to think positive. I might have lost one sense but I have gained extra powerful other senses. Lets just see how everything turns out.

"Faith we are home. Do you want to eat some dinner. We have meatloaf and green beans do you want any?" David questioned. I nodded my head at him not really wanting to talk to any of them still. I also felt accomplished because I could tell what was for dinner just by the smell. I felt someone push me somewhere and I used my one good arm to feel around me. I felt something smooth with an edge, is this the table I asked myself.

"Your at the table Faith your food is in front of you" Sarah said.

I reached my good hand forward and ran my hand across the table until I came across something hat was a little taller then my hand. I felt the smooth surface round out then I knew it was my plate then I felt next to it for my silverware and found my fork and started eating. Maybe this won't be as bad as I thought. Still I wish I could see but let's see the bright side I won't have to rely on my family and friends telling me what we are eating or where my food is at I could use my other senses and find out where everything is. After dinner David carried me upstairs finding it to difficult to carry me in the wheelchair he put me on my bed and then I felt the bed dent to my right I knew he was sitting right next to me.

"Faith I'm so sorry for what happened, it's all my fault I should of never made you go" I heard him say with frustration in his voice. I can just picture his face right now and what it looks like I just can't see it right in front of me. I still didn't feel up to talking so I shook my head as if saying no then I hugged him trying to let him know that it's okay and it wasn't his fault.

"Oh Faith why are you so forgiving I bet it's hard, but knowing you, you would think positively about every situation you go through."

I smiled and nodded and gave him a thumbs up.

"Well go to sleep Faith you have a long day tomorrow."

I looked at him looking at him with a confused look.

"Tomorrow is Christmas Eve and we have presents for you to open tomorrow. We can't wait until you open them. " I felt him get up from the bed and start walking by the door. He opened it but before he stepped out he said one last thing.

"I'm glad to see you back up again Faith, everyone is happy that you are okay and that you are home with us were you belong. Night Faith."

I nodded at him before he left. He shut the light off and shut the door. While I got comfortable and went to sleep. Before I fell asleep I told myself one day down however many long days to go.

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