Chapter 5

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Faith P.O.V

I woke up I was excited it was Christmas Eve. I forgot about ya know being blind so when I opened my eyes I was expecting to see light but when I opened them it was just as dark when I had my eyes closed. This is going to take some getting used too. I heard knock on my door and someone enter. "Hi Faith, how are you doing" someone asked but I could tell it was Hope I could always tell by the sound of her voice. I just put a smile on my face and gave her two thumbs up and pointed hopefully in the direction of the door to leather know I wanted to go downstairs. In my family we open our presents on Christmas Eve and play with our toys, eat, talk with one another on Christmas Day. So we would be opening our presents today. "That's great to hear Faith I am going to go get David so he an carry you downstairs." I gave her a thumbs up and he's her leave the room then I heard someone else come in. "Hi Faith good morning how are you do ing ready to open presents." I nodded my head vigorously somehow I still didn't feel like talking at al. I'm mean what's wrong with me? I used be hard to shut up. Now I just want to stay. Quiet I think it because I feel they wil less likely talk to me about how I feel about being blind I guess that's my reasoning.   I felt David wrap his arms around me carefully so he could carry me downstairs. I felt him go down the stairs and I believe into the living room where I just knew that my whole family was there and my brothers and sister girlfriends and boyfriend we all in the living room. My parents invited them over as we'll. I knew my aunts and uncles were here as we'll and with my grandparents on both sides. I knew that they all probably heard about what happened. "Good morning Faith. How are you doing?" I believe it was Hailey who said this but I wasn't sure. "Hello, honey how are you are you ready to open your presents!?" My mother asked. I nodded my head up and down. "Here, everyone is in here and you get to open your presents first this year. Ironic huh each year we would see who got picked first to open a present just because we all fought over who opened a present first and we decided each year it would be someone different and everyone in our family has already gone and this year it was my turn. I grabbed a box that was next o me and pointed to myself asking if it was mine. "Yes sweetie that's yours go ahead and open it" I opened and I felt a plastic around it but I also felt two bumps in the plastic and a ring coming from the buds. I think their ear phones. Maybe. "Their headphones Faith with green roses on the end your favorite right those are the ones you wanted right?" David said. "It's from Sarah and I" I was happy and nodded my head up and down so happy. At least I knew what they looked like right. The only problem was that I only had a computer to listen too. All well at least I got the headphones. Every body opened one and it was my turn to open another present this one was smaller It was in an envelope I pulled it out and I looked up hopefully with a confused face. "It a iTunes card." It's from Damien and I." Said Hope. I smiled big thanking them because I really did need more music. Everyone took another turn then it was my turn. I got a case for an iPod why would I need that if I didn't have an iPod. Leave it to Shawn and Sarah to buy me something that I didn't need. Everyone took another turn then it was my turn again. Someone handed me a box and I took it an unwrapped the box. It was a hard plastic cover this time, it was small and fit in my hand. I wonder what this is. "It's an IPod its neon green your favorite color Faith. It's from your grandparent and us." My mother said. I nodded my head up and down and did something I could at least do in sign language. which was thank you. "Your welcome Faith. So now you have the hole set" my mother said. I got the case which was also green and put it over the Ipod and put in my headphones. I had a couple of songs on the iPod but not many songs that's where the iTunes card will come in handy. I smiled to my self. I got other presents to like a shirt and a dress and a new pack pack which by the way was guess what! You guess right. I would be going back to school in a week and a half and I got to admit I was a bit nervous but now that I had something to listen to I would just where them if I wanted to get away from someone which probably I would for the first couple of days. *let me know what you think!*

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