Chapter 26

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      Just so no ones confused, this chapter opens up three days later, in the auditorium after everyone has left from practice.


"Have you seen Jessie?" I asked cat after coming back from changing. I had disappeared as Mysty and texted Cat when everyone was gone so I could come out. Although, Jessie was MIA all day. She stood up and grabbed her bag, shaking her head.

"No, I haven't. Actually, I haven't seen him all day, now that I think about it," she said. I nodded, throwing my hands up.

"I know! Where is he-" I said, my voice fading as I heard the doors open. Someone was walking toward us they were dragging a body behind them. My anxiety flared. Did he kill someone?!

"You wanted them, you got them," Jessie said to someone, so throwing a smaller male to our feet. I looked up at him incredulously, wondering what the hell he meant. "And here's the camera he used," he said to us, throwing a Nikon for Cat to catch. She looked at me and opened it up, hearing the guy groan at our feet. My eyes widened as I looked at the photos, realizing who he was.

He was the one taking my pictures as Mysty.

     "How did you... Why did you... What?" I asked, confused beyond belief at what I was witnessing. Did Jessie really just beat him up? How did he even find the kid? How did he find out about him?

     "Oh, calm down. I didn't hurt him too bad. I've been seeing him around lately, being all creepy and acting like a stalker. I caught him back stage when we were practicing for the show," he said, answering two of my questions. I looked at Cat, then at the kid as he rolled on the ground. Didn't hurt him, huh?

     "Once I caught him, he begged me not to hurt him. Said he was just the middle man," he said, walking towards the kid to make him flinch. Middle man? "I'm guessing it has something to do with those websites," Jessie assumed, looking up at Cat and I. I took the camera from Cat and zoomed through all the photos, finding pictures dating back to the football game. Mysty's first appearance. My anger flared, so I pressed the delete all button, noticing the 'Are you sure?' Question with a yes or no. I bent down to see the kid, and I recognized him as a sophomore. He had dark brown hair that was mop like and he was scrawny.

     "What exactly do you mean when you say middle man?" I asked, showing him the screen with the 'delete all' popup present. His eyes widened and he stammered.

     "I was paid! I swear, this guy paid me to take pictures of you! Believe me, please, I didn't want to hurt anyone," He pleaded. I stood up and walked over to the ropes on the stage, closing the curtains so it was dark. Cat understood my actions and turned on one of the bright lights, shining right on him.

     "Who exactly is this person? You're acting all scared like they might hurt you. This isn't the mob, dumbass, its high school," Jessie said, crossing his arms and rolling his eyes. I inhaled deeply before bending back down.

      "Please don't let him near me," the kid asked, talking about Jessie. He scoffed, making Cat snort. How ladylike.

     "What is your name?" I asked, moving the camera from hand to hand, watching as his eyes filled with fear of me dropping it.

     "Gordon Torrance. I swear to god, its not me that's in the wrong, please. You're a nice girl," he said, sitting up on his knees, his face trying to seem nice but just turned out creepy. He reached a hand out to me. "You could never hurt someone like me-" he started, but I punched him, knocking him to the side. I stood up, shaking my head.

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