Chapter 32

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Thursday, March 17, 2016

7:13 PM

Dedicated to MythicalReaderxx for the amazing cover!

Remember chapter whatever when Jessie has to scare a naked man out of Arissa's bed? *Smiles Knowingly*


I stared up at the gym sign and inhaled deeply. This is where Gabriel said Jessie would be, since this is his safe haven away from home. I bit my lip and put my hand on the handle, my heart beating a million miles a minute. I was about to open the door but it swung open before I could; I barely had time to get out of the way as two guys walked out, chatting about something irrelevant. I calmed my heart and waited a second, before I pulled the heavy metal door open and walked in. The room I was greeted with wasn't what I expected, because it looked like a receptionist desk. A skinny man with red spiked hair and glasses on sat typing away at his computer, his eyes snapping up to me for a split second and then back to his computer screen. He took a double take when he realized I wasn't a big, burly man.

"Can I help you, Miss?" He asked, rather politely. I ripped my voice from my throat and walked forward, my hands wringing together.

"I-I, uh, I'm looking for... J-Jessie?" I asked, unsure of my words. The man's demeanor changed and he rolled his eyes, sitting back.

"Lots of girls come in here looking for that trouble maker. Although, not as of recently. We all started to think he turned celibate," he chuckled to himself, but stopped once he saw that I was not laughing. He cleared his throat and sat up. "So what'd he do? Hump and Dump ya? Huh? Tell you he loved you, then boned your sister? Ah, no, I think I know. Promised you the world, right? He didn't get you pregnant, did he?-" He rambled but I held up my hand, choosing to forget at least all of that. I gave his a hard look, showing that I was here for a completely different reason.

"None of that. Please, just tell me where he is," I said, getting annoyed. The man sat back, eyeing me while biting his cheek. His eyes then flashed, recognition glowing in them as his mouth opened.

"It's you then," He said quietly, as if in a trance. He then shook his head, leaning on the desk, pointing towards a hallway that held a blue door at the end.

"He's in training room B5. Go through that door, you'll see lockers. There will be another door, go through that to get to the boxing room. He should be in there if he hasn't already left for the showers," He said, giving me a half smile before I made my way down. I pushed the door open and walked in, seeing grey lockers surrounding me with like two benches. There was gear lying everywhere and the smell was a combination of Axe spray and /or body wash and sweat. It didn't smell bad, it was just... pungent. I immediately saw the door he was talking about and made my way to it, my hand subconsciously finding my back pocket.

I had my hand on the knob and was about to turn it, but I was glad I decided to look through the small window because someone else was in there talking to Jessie. I peaked through it on my tip toes, seeing Jessie shirtless with bandages around his knuckles as he punched at a punching bag, and then another figure. He was slightly taller and the way he stood reminded me of someone but I couldn't quite put my finger on it. He was talking but the door muffled it, so I slowly turned the handle, pulling the door open a crack, the sound filling my ears.

"...I just came to give you this, no need to get hostile," The man's voice made me freeze. No, why was he here? Of all places to be? Jessie stopped throwing punches at the bag and looked up at the man, his eyes like lava.

"What's the point? The money didn't work, you fuck. I worked my ass off for you, getting the money to pay the hospital bills, but she still died!" he yelled, anger sweeping off of him. "I couldn't save her, even with your money," He seethed, going back to punching the bag, harder this time. The man held up his hands, a brown paper envelope filled to the brim. My heart sank. No... Jessie, you idiot!

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