Chapter 30

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Its been a week.

A week since Holly's death.

It was never a joke, but god knows we wish it was.

A sick, cruel joke.

A thought popped into my head after the night Jessie stayed at my house. A terrible, brilliant thought. Jessie doesn't know my plan, but Cat does. I told Tiana and Brian about it as well, along with Max, Griffon, Isabell and Lena on the first day back. They agreed blindly, only because I did something that changes their minds.

I told them.



I paced back and forth on the stage, my face clad with a mask. My blonde wig was on but I refused to put in any contacts this time, although apparently contouring was always necessary to Cat. I was in my normal clothes, though. A grey sweater and black jeans, with converse as per usual. I looked down at them, seeing at how worn out they were. I inhaled and looked up, blowing air into my hands.

Was I ready to do this? Was this all worth giving up my secret just for this? I heard the doors the the auditorium open and close, making my heart jump. Welp, I thought. No turning back now.

"What is it she wants us for, Cat?" Max's voice rang out, leading the footsteps down the path.

"I told you, she's gonna tell you," She said, and I could hear her getting closer. I looked down at her, seeing her nod slightly. I inhaled, digging my nails into my palm. Here goes nothing.

"Oh God, I didn't even see her there," Isabell said, bumping Lena. Lena chuckled nervously.

"I know she gave me a heart attack. Griffon, can I have my bag?" She asked, Griffon handing it too her as she dug through it, pulling out her Chapstick. They all stood there, lined up. staring expectantly at me. My chest shook as I took a deep breath. No turning back, no turning back...

"What did you call us here for?" Brian called up to me, holding Tiana's hand. Max crossed his arms over his chest, watching Cat as she climbed the stairs to the stage. She walked up to me, grabbing my shoulders as she took in my blood shot eyes.

"If you ask, they'll help you. Just be honest with them, Riss," She whispered, getting a nod. she stepped back and away from me, giving me space. I turned to them and gripped my own wrist. Oh, Holly... My depressed mind whimpered.

"I-I need you're help. All of you, I," I sighed, scratching the inside of my wrist.

"What is it exactly? That you need help with," Tiana asked, a look of concern coming over her face along with the other two girls.

"Why," Max called out over her, pulling my attention towards him. "Why do you need our help?" He asked, his eyes cautious. I gulped, turning away from them. I noticed that even with the mask on, it was hard to keep up my voice's mask as well.

"I-I've lied to you all. I've kept a dirty, dirty secret from not only you, but from people I care for. About who I really am," I said, softly, seeing them all lift their heads more in realization out of the corner of my eye. I looked down at my hands. "No more," I whispered, more to myself than anything.

"What are you talking about?" Griffon asked, stepping forward a bit. I looked up, tears in my eyes. This seemed to be a regular occurrence.

"Please... don't hate me, but.... I've always been here. always been around. I never really disappeared, I just... changed," I said, pulling out the thing of makeup wipes out of my back pocket. I wiped my face off completely on the lower side, pulling off my wig. Wiping my forehead, I popped the black cap off and let my natural hair fall.

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