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The picture looked a bit crooked. Reaching upward, I straightened it out a bit, biting my lip in concentration. It had to be perfect, I thought.

"If you keep reaching up like that, your short arms are going to get stuck," that familiar voice I've come to love spoke behind me. I rolled my eyes, dropping my hands before turning around. There he stood, in all his glorious splendor. He was sweaty and a bit dirty from today's events, but he looked delicious. Damn hormones.

"Stop eye-raping me, woman," he chuckled, coming towards me with a cup of water. I shook my head and accepted it as he handed it to me, my eyes following him as he walked past me to the picture. With his long arms he reached up and straightened it for me, making me smile.

"Thank you, baby," I said, sighing as my feet reminded how much they were swollen. He turned around and winked at me, coming over to put his hands on my waist.

"Anytime, Kitten," Jessie said, leaning in to give me a sweet kiss. I grinned into him, feeling him try to pull me as close as possible, given the circumstances. He then lead me to the recliner he had brought it earlier that sat among mounds of boxes. I sighed, groaning with relief as my feet were relieved of pressure. Jessie chuckled.

"You should really be relaxing, Arissa. I could have done this without you," he said, giving me a compassionate look. I shook my head, taking another sip of my water.

"Its our house, Jessie. I wanted to help," I said, my stubborn side coming in. He chuckled, leaning down next to me and putting a hand on my petruding belly.

"Seven months pregnant, and you wanted to dead weight a couch. That's going a bit overboard, kitten," he laughed, making me blush and cross my arms over my tummy.

"I had an entire can of red bull, what did you expect?' I pouted, earning a deep chuckle. Jessie leaned forward and caught my lips in a chaste kiss, before he came back for a deeper one. I moaned into him, the taste of his lips not helping my hormones at the moment. He chuckled against me, kissing my cheek then down my neck, before he knealed down in front of my belly.

Jessie pulled my shirt up and laid a kiss on my naval, making me giggle. He gave me a warm, loving smile as he drew circles on it.

"This house will be done before you get here, little man." I felt my heart swell at the sight of him. This man was my everything now. When he found out I was pregnant, he proposed to me on the spot. I looked down at my ring finger, the sight of my beautiful ring making me smile.

It was his grandmothers ring, which made me ten times happier and more grateful than I could ever be. We both did go to college, but my mother surprised us with scholarships that she had been funding for years. So the amount we have to pay back isn't terrible, so we were able to get a house. The best part? Jessie is my mothers manager. Except, he's a stay at home one. He schedules her tours and makes sure everything is in place. Turns out he's better in with the drama scene than he ever was with football.

"What're you thinking about, kitten?" Jessie broke me out of my thoughts, making me smile.

"About you. Us, and the baby. How much I love you both," I said, gaining a wide smile. He stood up and kissed me, pulling me up and telling me that I needed to rest. I didn't protest, mainly because I could use a cat nap. Speaking of cats, Aline is running around here somewhere. I should find her food bowl soon.

"Oh Jessie, don't let me forget!" I said as he helped me onto the bed. He looked at me, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

"It'll be Samantha's seventeenth birthday soon, I know. Don't think I forgot," he chuckled, laying me down. I smiled, yawning as I stared up at the ceiling.

Yes, little Sammy was turning seventeen soon. You know those scenes in the office where they look into the camera and make a face? I'd be winking with a knowing smirk right now.

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