Chapter 4: Part Two

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Whoop whoop, more of chapter 4!!! 

Janis Joplin- Piece of My Heart

Steven Dually and Sidney Dually-Fraye to the right!!---->


Jessie's POV

"Right turn right here," Arissa told me, even though I already knew where to go. Maybe she didnt want Cat to know that. Hm. And yes the gears are working in my head once again. I smirked.

"Arissa, kitten, I already know where to go," I teased,making her blush and glare at me. Ah, it was so fun to tease this woman.

"Arissa?! He knows where you live?" Cat asked from the back seat, godsmacked. I laughed as Arissa turned pale, obviously not wanting Cat to know. Then she hit me on the arm.

"Thanks a lot," she hissed. I smiled at her, parking in her driveway, not one other car parked in it.

"Your welcome, kitten," I smirked. She glared at me as Cat got out of the car. Arissa grabbed her stuff and put her hand on the door handle.

"Your the devil," she told me, getting ready to get out. I laughed.

"You know it, kitten. But only for you," I teased. She stopped in her tracks and glared at me, before dropping it and sighing.

"Thank you," she said, catching me off gaurd. I tilted my head.

"For what, Rissy?" I asked. She shook her hear at my nickname as I smiled. She sighed and looked out the window.

"For the car ride. Taking me home," she said, looking back at me. I ran my hands down the steering wheel, then looked back at her.

"Anytime, kitten," I said, teasing her once again. She glared at me, but I knew it was playful.

"Please stop calling me that," she asked. I shook my head, smiling, until I glanced at her hands. My eyebrows furrowed.

"Hey, you were washing dished right?" I asked, still looking at her hands. She glanced down at them and visibly paled for some odd reason.

"Um... I-I uh, yeah... I was..." just as she stopped, her passenger door opened to reveal the red head. She raised her eyebrow and looked between us.

"Am I interrupting something here?" She asked.


"Yes," we both said at the same time. I looked at Arissa as she looked at me, then we looked back at Cat.

"No, your not," Arissa said quickly. She got out and slammed my door before thanking me again, then they walked up to the door. I sat there for a couple seconds, before driving out.

And when I got home, it took a while for me to fall asleep. Because I'm positive that if you washed dished for over an hour straight, your hands would look like prunes.

And hers didn't.


"What do you mean he almost found out?! How could he have almost found out?!" Cat yelled, laying it on thick. She never sugar coated anything, so if you did something wrong, you'd get it. I shrugged my shoulders and laid my hands out.

"I have no idea! But he looked at my hands and I could see the gears turning in his head. He knew something was up because he asked me if I was washing dishes. I think he figured out that if you wash dished, your hand turn to prunes. And mine don't look like that!" I blew out. God, that was a close one. If he had figured it out.

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