Chapter 4: Part One

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Evanescence- Bring Me to Life

Jessie's POV

"Can I have a Margarita, please?" A woman, possibly in her early thirties, asked me. I stood there, confused, with my mouth hanging open like an idiot.

"Um... sure. Catherine?" I called out, looking over at the red head currently pouring two tall glasses of beer for these big, burly looking men. She looked over, her brown eyes finding mine and her eyebrows raising.

"Um... this lady would like a Margarita," I said. She chuckled and handed the men their drinks, grabbing the money and walking over to me.

"Maybe I should put you to work, since this place is overflowing with people. Have you any knowledge of alcohol at all?" She asked. I nodded, looking out at all the people crowding around the DJ, who was announcing something I couldn't quite hear.

"Yeah, my, um, dad used to own a small pub, and he taught me some stuff. Why is there so many people here?" I asked. Catherine just smiled and pointed to the stage, handing the lady her Margarita that I didn't see her make.

"Mysty. That's why. Have you ever heard her sing?" I shook my head.

"No. I've only ever heard of her, and a bunch of rumors. I can't exactly get in here on a daily basis," I joked. She laughed, handing me a towel to dry off some glasses.

"Well then, your in for a surprise. People say her singing is elemental. Mind blowing. Its because she puts her mind, body, and soul into the music. Sometimes, when she's on stage, you'll see her close her eyes and not even pay attention to the crowd. And when she opens them back up, you can tell. She lives for music," Catherine explained, surprising me. She must have as much passion for music as Mysty does, and even Arissa. I smiled.

"But why does she hide herself? Why does she wear a mask?" I asked. Catherine only smiled knowingly, a hint a pity and sadness in her eyes.

"Your asking me the million dollar question, Jessie. The question everyone wants to know. Some say its because she's a delinquent on the run, a thirst for attention. And some say its so she won't get mauled," she said, making a man a drink that had a weird name to it, a chocolate jubilee or something like that.

"And what do you believe, Catherine? Why do you think she wears the mask?" I asked, drying off some guys cup as he left the bar to go join the crowd. Catherine smiled at me.

"Call me Cat. And I believe its to show that Mysty can be anyone. The mask symbolizes that as long as music is your guide, you can achieve greatness. Unimaginable thing. And its to protect her," she said, taking the money from an old guy after pouring an extra glass of straight rum. I furrowed my eye brows in confusion.

"Protection from what?" I asked. Cat looked at me, amusement in her eyes.

"I don't know. Try and figure it out, big boy. Now, get to work. She's almost on stage and the bar will be empty soon. Trust me," she said, smiling at the stage as the DJ calmed the crowd down.

"Alright, alright, alright. Who came here to paaarrrtaayy!!" He yelled, getting the crowd jumping.

"Okay, okay. Who here has come to see my girl Mysty perform?" He asked. The crowd screamed, wanting him to get on with it already. I smiled as the people at the bar slowly dispersed, then looked over to see cat leaning on the bar, smirking at the DJ. Like she knew something. Hm, I wonder...

"Come out, Mysty, the crowd can't wait much longer," the DJ said, turning his head and smirking to whoever was behind stage. I watched and waited, just like the crowd.

"I don't know, Gary, I don't think they're ready," a deep, slightly husky girl's voice sounded. The voice had a slight British accent to it, and it made me wonder who was behind it. If it was real, or another mask. The DJ- who I found was now Gary- laughed and looked at the crowd.

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