Chapter 1

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Dedicated to Killer_Unicorn. You're welcome for teaching you how to make an account, and coming up with the name <3

Demi Lovato- Heart By Heart



Chapter 1*

With my bag over my head, and even my hoodie up, I still managed to make it to school.

Drenched and looking like a drowned cat, that is.

Thank the lords that first period had already started, or I would have embarrassed myself even further. Well, if they even noticed me at all.

You see, I'm not like anyone in this school. I'm not like the plastics, (yes, are school actually took after Mean Girls. Cliché, I know, butwhaddaya gonna do?) Or the jocks, or the athletic junkies. Nor the stoners, daredevils, and troublemakers. Not even a teacher's pet, a geek or nerd, a hacker, or even the ones that keep to themselves.


As far as Jacklyn High is concerned, I don't even exist. Arissa Dually is utterly invisible. But I like it that way. I may only have one friend, but being ignored by the school's population gives me time to worry about my school work, and not the drama that comes along with the dreaded high-school, even if I am already a senior.

And I get it at home, too. I live with my father, who has been emotionally distant from me since my mom left to go on tour with her band when I was only four years old. I also live with my step mother, and my two half sisters. And I know what you're thinking, this is just another Cinderella story, but it's not. I love Sidney, my stepmother, to death; along with my two sisters, Samantha at twelve and Lucy at ten. Its my father that's the problem. The only reason he's so distant is of two reasons. One, he owns his own Law firm. And two, he's protective. Not like 'Ill shoot any man who breaks my daughters heart', no not at all. He... just doesn't like the fact that I'm growing up so fast. And the more I grow, the more I look like the woman who broke his heart, hence the emotional dysfunction towards his oldest child.

But I have a secret that only my best friend, Catherine Cobble, knows about. I absolutely, positively love to sing and play guitar. But no one, with the exception of my middle sister, knows about this because... well... my mother left my father to go sing and play guitar, and if he found out I was walking in her footsteps, he'd be furious and send me away. I didn't want that, not one bit. Singing was my life, it was my voice, because when it comes to me, I'm like the girls in the movie Radio Rebel. I freeze up and I'm shy and I can hardly talk to anyone without stuttering. Other than Catherine. So yeah.

As I walked through the hallway and thought silently about my wonderful life, (note the sarcasm), I didn't pay attention to the person walking directly in front of me. I ended up bumping into him, resulting in only me falling to the floor. Of course.

"Watch it," a deep voice growled, and I looked up to see a pair of majorly deep, moss-green eyes, topped off with a mess of brown hair. It was Jessie Tompsin in the flesh, standing, or towering, over me looking pissed. My mouth worked like a fish and I couldn't find my voice. He raised an eyebrow, then sighed before holding his hand out for me to take it. I eyed his hand before cautiously reaching out and grabbing it, only to be pulled up quickly and strongly, making me smash into his chest. I inhaled a small breath of air, making a little squeak noise when I crashed into his rock of a chest.

'Well, he's on the football team, what did you expect? Fatty MC Fat up in here? Hell to the no, their sister' my mind mocked. I internally rolled my eyes as I looked like a confused fish, slash drenched cat that was getting the God of a man wet. I pushed away from him, only to get my mind settled and so I wouldn't get him any more wet. Which would be only his black shirt with a leather jacket over it, and a pair of nice fitting jeans. Along with converse. OhMyGod, I think I might actually like this kid.

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