Chapter 33

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Its February. I've literally avoided Jessie and anyone all together for almost two months. So much has happened, and so much has changed. Yet I still… I still reverted back to my introverted, invisible self. I always end up doing that.

People keep talking, wondering where Mysty is. Some want her back. Some are… well, some don’t exactly feel that way.

I find that I'm a lot more tired. I don't really… care, about anything. I'm not rebelling, I guess you could say.

Dinners with my father aren't as loud anymore. Its mostly him talking and me listening, and my stepmother wondering and worrying. My real mother comes by a lot more, when my father's away. She says he wouldn't care that she's here, but I don’t believe her. She's too… careful. They all are. Even more so around me, like I'm surrounded my eggshells.

Cat's worried too, she tried to get me to go out. Like to the movies. I do sometimes, but not as of late. She started to bring along the kids from drama. Lena and Isabell. Sometimes Brain and Tiana. Max once, but he just glared at me the whole time. I don’t blame him.

When it comes to Jessie, though, I avoid him at all costs. I make sure not to go down the hallways he uses, I eat anywhere but the lunchroom, and I make sure he leaves school before I do. It’s a huge thing that is probably not necessary and I'm most likely blowing it all out of proportion. But hey, I'm a teenager. That’s what we do.

It was currently the end of school and I was at my locker. Jessie should be at his car already, about to leave. I sighed, shoving my notebook in my bag, which was a struggle because the spiral got caught on one of my pins. I grunted, annoyed and shoved it forcefully, watching the pin fly off and roll down the hallway. I looked up at the ceiling and sighed loudly, shuttung my locker, dropping my bag on the floor and trudging  over to it.

I bent down to pick it up but stopped when someone beat me to it. I looked up and felt my blood drain from my face as I stared into those bright, green eyes of his. I felt my lips part in a gasp, freezing completely. What... Why was he... This is bad.

    Jessie stood up all the way and stared down at the pin, flipping it over. He chuckled without smiling, which was kind of creepy.

    "'Live like there's no tomorrow,'" he read, looking up at me. I swallowed hard. "Don't you think that's kind of hypocritical and all. 'Cause you're doing the exact opposite of that, aren't you, Arissa,"  he said, but I avoided his scorching gaze. I licked my lips, picking at my finger nail before holding my hand weakly out.

    "C-Can I have my pin back... Please," I asked, barely looking up. He sighed, looking down at the pin before holding it out to me. I reached for it but Jessie moved out of the way, grabbing my wrist with his other hand and pulling me to him. I made a small noise, almost falling yet he wrapped his arm around my waist, catching me. I looked up at him, seeing him smile a little as I stared.

    "Like what you see?" He asked. I felt a sense of Deja Vu before I remembered where I've been in this situation before. Jessie's half smile grew into a full grin and I couldn't help myself but to laugh. Oh my goodness, I can't believe he just said that. Jessie chuckled with me and I felt his arm slip from around my waist. His smile fell a little as he pointed to my face.

    "Do you even need those?" He asked, talking about my glasses. I bit my lip, shaking my head a little. He reached up, slowly taking hold of my frames and slipping them off. I blinked a few times, biting the inside of my cheek. He smiled, folding them in his hands. He wasn't looking at me when he spoke.

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