Chapter 3

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Miley Cyrus- Wrecking Ball (Trap Mix)

Jessie's POV

It was quiet on the way to her house. It was weird, driving her, because I had only met her... today, actually. I mean, she already knew about what I do at the elementary school, which was inevitable when I saw her at the play. No one but her knew, and I found myself slightly worried that she would tell someone, but then again when she mumbled something about not having any friends, it made my stomach turn. I see her in the hallways, getting ignored most of the time, but I would think she had some friends. But I guess I was wrong.

Arissa had her head resting on her hand, silently gazing out the window as I drove. I had already asked her where her house was, and she had gone quiet after I asked where she worked. I decided to turn on the radio and put on the station that plays all the pop songs. I wasn't at all a fan of it, but she was a girl so I just guessed. A song by Nikki something was on and it was just god awful. How do girls listen to this stuff? Then Arissa surprised me by making a sound of disgust and reaching her hand out to change the station to rock songs. Thank the lords.

"I thought you would have liked that, most girls do," I said, a hint of disgust in my voice for the type of songs. Arissa snorted.

"I hate most of that music. If I actually like one of those songs, the artist should be flattered. I'm not really into rap like that. More Avril Lavigne to Little Big Town. I'm an alternative music listener, I listen to all different types. If you had asked me if I knew who sang some of the songs I know, I would say that your guess is as good as mine. Its not really the point of who sings it, just the meaning behind the song," she explained, staring out the front window. I was utterly stunned. I had never met a single girl in my life that was like that, ever. Arissa laughed half heartedly.

"And as corny as it sounds, I think its safe to say that I'm not most girls," she said, looking at me for a split second with a small smirk on her face. I laughed.

"You can say that again," I muttered, turning up the radio when Bully by Shinedown came on. I could hear Arissa start to hum and she visibly straightened. As the song progressed, her house came into view, and I was surprised. It looked like a modern home, but much bigger.

"Holy..." I muttered, turning into her driveway. She looked at me, an amused smile on her face.

"W-what?" She asked. I stared at her house as I cut the engine.

"Well, for one, your house in huge. I didn't expect that," I said, whispering the last part. She frowned.

"What? You didn't think that a wallflower like me could live in such a big house? Well, for one, my dad is the highest and well known lawyer in South Carolina," she said, and I could hear a bit of mockery in her tone as she repeated the phrase I used. I glared at her.

"Just go get your clothes. I'll be out here waiting," I said. Her head snapped to look back at me, the door open midway.

"Excuse me? You are not driving me to my work! I don't want you to know where its at, you might stalk me," she yelled, making me snort.

"Puhlease, you need a ride. There's no one home, first of all," I said, pointing to the empty driveway other than my car. "And second of all, why do you care if I know where you work? Its not like you're doing anything illegal, right?" I asked. She didn't answer right away and bit her lip, looking away. I sat up, eyes wide. "Right?!" I asked cautiously. She didn't answer but only got out, slamming the door and running up to her house. I winced at how hard she slammed it.

"God, save the door," I muttered to no one in particular. This girl was so freaking confusing, and I had a bad feeling in my gut about where exactly she worked at. Oh well, I guess I'll find out, wont I?

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