Chapter 7

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Invisibly Masked: Chapter 7

5 Seconds of Summer- Good Girls



"Are you joking! Your joking with me right?" Cat stared at me, dumbfounded. I shrugged, taking a bite out of my green apple as I leaned on the counter in the kitchen. It has been exactly 24 hours since Monday, and I haven't heard from Jessie or given Mrs. Greene and answer. And I'm just telling Cat about it now, since she was in drama and all.

"No, I'm not. She found out. I wasn't careful. I might as well forget it ever happen," I said, staring at my apple. Cat punched me in the arm, making me drop it. I looked up at her in surprise.

"Ow! That hurt, what was that for?!" I asked incredulously, bending over to pick up my now germ covered apple. Cat hair, yum. I grimaced and turned to wash it off, waiting for Cats response to the sudden abuse.

"What'd you mean, just forget about it!? This is a once in a life time offer, and your going to shoot it down? Riss, this is an opportunity that you might never get again. And as your best stripper friend, along with being captain of the oreo squad we made up when we were five, I refuse to let you give this up," she said matter-of-factly. I sighed turning around to fix the papers I had scattered out on the island, an article about the news paper at school going to be starting a club. I looked up at Cat, shaking my head at her expression, one that said I was crazy for not taking it. I knew... I knew it was a bad idea to pass, but it could also be a good one, too. Right? I sighed.

"Cat, you have no idea how much I've thought about this. But what about my dad, huh? What about your protection, the girls, the freaking school for gods sake! I don't want anything to happen to them, you..." I hesitated, looking down. "...Jessie..." I whispered, hoping Cat didn't hear me. I hope she didn't make fun of me for caring, but I also knew she loved me too much to hurt me.

"Arissa," I looked up to see her looking at me with understanding. "I know that you care. Sometimes too much. You want to protect everyone around you, make sure their safe and give them what they want. But Rissa... What do you want?" She asked softly. I didn't look up, my blue eyes staring off into space, thinking about what she said. I hardly even noticed when she told me she was leaving, something about studying for a final. Psh, right.

Yet she was right. I've always worried about what other people wanted, needed. But never what I wanted. I mean sure, I sang down at InToxicated, but that was only on Friday nights. Sometimes I didn't go down for weeks at a time. The mask was my protection. I think I want to do this. No, I need to. I've never acted out on anything other than working at a bar, and I think it's time I did so.

Starting tomorrow morning.


On Wednsday I walked into the school doors, thankful that the football players weren't shouting 'HUMP DAY!' Off the top of their lungs today. But what I did see was something I didn't expect.

There was a crowd, surrounding something that possibly had two people in the middle, shouting profanities at each other. My eyebrows furrowed, wondering why the hell someone would want to fight so early I the morning. But then I heard something that made my blood run cold. One of the people in the middle shouted something so I could hear, and it was un-doubtfully familiar.


I couldn't help the memory of the other night slip into my brain as I shouldered my way in, when Jessie drove me and Cat home. My question about him fighting. 'Only when they deserve it or I'm provoked.'

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