Chapter 6

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Song for this chapter to the right!!! And I don't own this, all rights go to the original video writer! :))

 Madilyn Bailey- Titanium

Chapter 6

I sighed as I made my way to my locker, hitching my bag higher on my shoulder. Thank god Monday is over, I don't think I could have handled anymore. For some reason, people are much louder than normal on these dreaded days.

As I went to go close my locker, a hand stopped it. I looked up to see, guess who, Jessie freaking Tompsin standing there supporting a small smirk as he leaned on his right shoulder. My eyes widened. Wait, he's not supposed to be talking to me in school, everyone will get suspicious and spread rumors. And sure enough, when I looked behind me, people were defiantly staring and whispering. Man, I swear some people have no shame. The football star talking, or even in breathing distance with the weird, invisible girl? Not likely. I looked back to Jessie.

"Hey," he said, smiling mischievously at me. O... kay? I raised my eyebrows at him and fixed my glasses on my nose.

"Um... hey. Uh, what exactly are you doing?" I asked. He shrugged like it was obvious. Well, not shit sherlock.

"Whatever do you mean? Im talking to you," he said. I gestured in a small motion to the hallway, my head almost down and my heart race speeding up.

"Well, why? Why are you talking to me? You wouldn't want to ruin your precious reputation by talking to me would you?" I said, turning to close my locker, but he held it in a tight grip. I sighed and looked at him, agitated. He sighed and looked down, then at the hallway full of people, who looked away when he glared . Then he looked back at me.

"If you haven't noticed, I really don't give shit about what people think, so why should you?" he asked, his voice a bit strained, making me flinch. I felt like I'd been slapped. He didn't say it in a mean way, but more curious than anything. Why did I care? I had no idea. And that was the truth.

"We're different. People know who you are, not me," I looked up into his eyes, checking off the hint of understanding in his eyes. "Im not used to this much attention," Lie. My tolerance for attention was quite high, when I knew that the people looking at me... didn't know who I was. I looked down at my feet, my eyes moving side to side cautiously. "And people are staring," I whispered, my voice almost inaudible. Jessie looked up and glared at he people staring, making the whole hallway disperse in a matter of seconds. I looked up and sighed, thankful for the peace.

"Look, I didn't come over here to patronize you. I just came here to give you this," he held out a familiar piece of paper. "You forgot it at the hospital," he said, his voice quieter and his head closer to mine so no one could hear him. Well, whoever was left. I could relate. I wouldn't want anyone to know about Holly either. I grabbed the piece of paper softly, turning it right side up so I could look at the drawing Holly had made me the day before.

It looked the same, except it looked as if Jessie had wrote the names at the top, little arrows to make it look like a kid wrote it. I giggled as I stared at the picture. It was a small gesture, but it meant a lot. It meant that we shared something no one else knew about.


"Thank you," I said quietly, looking up to find myself closer to Jessie than I earlier presumed. I gasped quietly and looked up into his eyes, biting my lip as my heart race accelerated once more, but for a different reason. Oh god, Arissa. Move away, I told myself. I had to repeat this a few time, watching as Jessie's eyes went from amused, to an emotion that I didn't want to think about.

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