Everything happens for an unobvious reason

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Chapter 17

Everything happens for an unobvious reason

“I’m sorry, could you repeat that?” my left eye brow raised in disbelief

“It’s not that much, but someone of your caliber that’s all I think you should be...”

“I know Paul, at the moment money is of little concern to me, I just want to get my foot though the door, you know, get some experience, compromising” I cut him off reciting the speech I have always prepared for moments like this.

“Definitely, so how does it sound? I’m going to try for a little bit more, but like you rightly said, experience over money”

“Are you sure about that figure? Don’t get my wrong, you are the consultant, I’m sure you have a better idea”

“Well like I said around the two-hundred/ two-fifty per day mark yeah, give it…I’d say 18 months and well be talking Five plus a day, so shall I put you forward for it?”

“Without question, thanks Paul, hope to hear from you with more good news” I end the call with, my heart fluttering, smile ear to ear and my hands covering my face, short of hiding my lips which say “Shukar allhumdulillah ” (thank you God) under my breath.

It reminded me of the time when I told my mom about the dead end job I was in, how I could not provide for a family if I wanted to get married and all she could comfort me with was:

“Atleast you feed yourself and have a roof over your head, Leave it to Allah, I’m sure something will crop up, maybe there is something there, but keep trying beta”

Meaningless, the words bounced off me like bullets off Superman’s impermeable cape.

What does she know, anyone can do this job, it’s pointless, and it was suppose to be a stepping stone for me, not my career move.

I never realised that I could be sat on a potential career gold mine. In retrospect, that is the best piece of advice I could have been given. Its funny how advice works, to me it’s always a matter of the advisor’s advice being helpful only if it’s reassuring what you have in my mind already. I feel that when you asks for advice. You want them to be in harmony with what you are thinking already, anything but, and it ends up with “yeah you are right” and then you move on to the next person who can reassure you that what you feel the right thing to do is the right thing to do.

Everyone expects something from life. There are categories in life some people achieve or want to achieve which makes then feel content with what they have. It maybe social status, family, having a partner or maybe religion. They only feel happy when the set is complete.

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