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Ally was tired and annoyed.

She had just comeback from a date with a guy she had originally hoped could be her prince charming, Troy. Everything was going great until a lesbian couple walked by and he made a face of disgust, while going on a rant for twenty minutes on how disgusting they were and how he would never allow his kids to act in such a unholy manor. She couldn't believe how ignorant and prejudicial he was being.

It saddened her, to think if he couldn't have the understanding to accept people who just wanted to be loved, he would never be able to accept her ability to move things from one place to another. So she stood up and poured her drink on him, before she walked out of the restaurant telling him to lose her number.

She released an annoyed breath as she took off her heels, and proceeded towards her room to change. Was it really that hard to find someone in this city? All she wanted was to be able to have a family of her own. She was tired of being alone and not being able to be herself with people.

Dressed in her ducky pajamas, she checked her messages on her cell phone,only to hear her annoying manager telling her to come in for a shift she wasn't supposed to have in the morning. Great her one day off wasted. She was even more annoyed with wasting a night she could have gone to bed early, on an ignorant asshole. Could her life suck anymore?

She crawled into bed and tried to sleep. About twenty minutes later she heard aloud crash as she was about to drift off. She scrambled out of her bed scared, and quietly opened her door. Tip toeing down her hallway, she heard men's voices in her living room.

"Good job idiot you were loud as hell! Probably woke the neighbors!" said one of the men.

"Shut it Arin and start looking for the bitch!" replied a voice Ally recognized as Troy, her asshole of a date.

"Mahone go check the room, Arin go start the car." ordered Troy.

Ally scrambled to her room terrified. She locked her door, but before she could turn around, she felt strong arms grab her, holding her tightly. Before she could scream a hand covered her mouth. She was about to bite the hand when she heard a woman's voice.

"Shhh... were here to help you but you have to trust us. Please we don't have a lot of time. We have to get a safe distance away from here before I can explain everything to you. Do you understand?" The woman whispered in her ear quickly.

Ally nodded scared, but being the trusting person that she is quickly counted the stranger as a friend. The stranger quickly  let her go and grabbed her hand leading her towards her bedroom ballcany. All Ally saw was red hair. They reached the outside, when they heard the two men bust their way into her bedroom.

The redhead put two fingers in her mouth letting out an earsplitting whistle, gripping onto Ally tightly; she shouted, "NOW LO!!!"

Troy had just shouted, "STOP THEM!!!" When a strong gust of wind picked Ally and the redhead right off the ballcany. It looked like they were flying, but to Ally it felt like she was in a tornado. A few seconds later they were safely placed on the street bellow them next to two woman. One was pale with hair like midnight and the other was a dark skinned girl with a helmet in her hand.

"A little to close there Lo!" the redhead shot angrily to the raven haired girl.

"Did you die? No! So I'd say thank you and shut it Demi!" The raven haired girl shot back.

"Guys another time! We gotta go!" shouted the irritated dark skinned beauty.

"Sorry Mani." The arguing girls muttered.

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