Smells like war coming

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"What do you mean we lost Europe?" asked Lauren terrified.

Simon looked at her with defeat in his eyes, shaking his head he pointed to a screen. Lauren moved a few Guardians out of her way as she stood in front of a screen with the Generals smiling face. He was smiling a sick satisfied smile, as he looked at the camera as if he was right in front of her.  She took in his handsome blonde features, and thought he would be beautiful, if it weren't for his eyes. His cold blue eyes were piercing through her, even if he couldn't see her.

"Well, well. If it isn't my beautiful monster? I know your out there watching, and I wish we could do this in person, but that wont happen for a while yet. You have been quite the busy bee haven't you. Collecting more of your freaks? Well so am I. Most of them are quite misguided, but don't you worry. I'll be making them into just the kind of citizens we need in this world. Loyal to me and me only.... You will not win this war. I now control Europe, what do you have? A few hundred? But the best part of all this, is that our regular Joe humans now know about you. How will you fight Me and them hmm? It is July now, and I will give you till July of next year to surrender yourself. If you do, I may let your band of merry men live. You see I just want you. You my girl are a monster in your own right, and you will be mine. So as your considering my offer, I will be here taking over the rest of Europe. I'm currently in China and they've been quite hospitable. Sure there have been a few casualties, but there always are my dear. My men are currently taking over a number of territories here, and with China's resources you don't stand much of a chance. So think wisely My beautiful monster, because if you choose wrongly, I'm coming for you." He finished with a smile as he disappeared from the screen.

The room was quiet for a moment, then within a second Lauren jumped into action.

"Simon get every Guardian we have in Europe, and have them start to evacuate them now. Regular people and Elementals. Send every Guardian they have and after they've evacuated as many as they can, have them come here. Demi send every Guardian we have here out looking for elementals. They are to send them here right away. Marissa get me a call to the president now." Ordered Lauren swiftly.

They all worked quickly, as Lauren closed her eyes wishing for a chance at the General. Just her and him. Oh she could see herself actually enjoying killing him. She cursed herself for thinking that way.  She couldn't let herself lose her humanity. Then he would surely win.

"President is coming on screen." Marissa shouted.

They all watched the screen as a Woman appeared sitting at her desk in the oval office.

Lauren stood up straight in a dominant pose, smiling softly at the President as the president looked at her in confusion.

"Hello President Miller. I'm sorry to pull you away from your wife's usual Sunday date, but we have a mutual problem we need to urgently address." Lauren said sadly.

"Lauren? Whats wrong? And why did you want to talk to me without my cabinet." asked Bea confused.

"You are aware of the video that's been broadcasted around the world?" asked Lauren.

"Of course, I was in the middle of watching it for a second time just to make sure I'm not going crazy. What do you know of it? And why are you silver?" asked Bea still confused but suddenly alert.

"The silver part is a long story and when I next see you I'll explain.I am who he wants Bea. I am what you call a elemental. I have actual powers that he hopes to control, and he used many like me to take over China. He's been scouring the U.S. for years tagging and killing others like me. He recruits misguided thrown away teens with deadly powers, and is using them to gain power." said Lauren sadly.

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