Finally safe

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"What the hell happened to her?" asked a worried Normani. She had been driving for ten minutes in silence, when the question just blurted out of her mouth.

"She's metal..." whispered Dinah.

"No shit but how?" said a frustrated Normani.

Demi's calm voice broke into their minds: (If she was only going to be gifted in one element, it would have been metal. But she was gifted with all elements. The metal component hadn't manifested yet. The explosion probably sped up the process.)

"Did you see what she did to the tree? she picked it up like nothing, It was awesome!" exclaimed Sofie.

"But did you see how sad she was? She wouldn't let us near her." said Ally sadly.

Demi: ( She was right about the touching, at least until she has a chance to practice testing her strength levels. But I am concerned about her mental state. Lo was always self conscious, especially being intersex. With how drastically her appearance has changed she will feel even more like a freak."

"She's not a freak! She's still beautiful! Her skin color never mattered before why should it now?! And that crap she told The General about being a monster was bullshit! There is nothing wrong with her!" exclaimed an angry Camila.

Demi: (I agree camila, but that's how she is obviously feeling. Give her time guys, she'll come around.)

The girls nodded and agreed.


Six hours later.....

They had been driving through forest and mountain terrain for hours, when suddenly Lauren stopped.

Lauren pointed to Demi.

Demi nodded her head in understanding, and Lauren started forward, driving off the road.

Demi:(Follow Lo, when she stops, stop next to her and turn the car off.)

Following Lauren for an hour, she finally came to a stop. Normani followed Demi's directions and stopped next to her, turning her car off. Lauren stayed seated on her bike, as Demi parked on the other side of the mustang.

The girls were about to ask what they were waiting for, when the ground below them started to move.

They were on a platform, that was descending down and after a few feet, the top shut leaving them shrouded in darkness.

Demi:(Don't panic girls, we're here with you. Lo wouldn't let anything happen to you. It takes a few minutes to get to the level we're going.)

There was only silence as the girls in the back seat held onto each other for comfort. Even Normani and Dinah were gripping hands for reassurance.

They finally came to a stop in a spacious bright room completely covered in white.

Seeing Demi and Lauren dismount their bikes, the girls took their cue to exit the car. Once they were out of the car, a wall opened up as a man walked into the room.

He had a smile on his face as he took in the group of girls.

"Congratulations girls, you've made it! My name is Guardian Simon, but please call me Simon." he said  smiling charismatically.

The girls introduced themselves, and when he turned to Lauren, his smile dropped.

"Lo..." he said hesitantly.

She waved his concern away with her hand and said, "Don't worry about it now, we have more important concerns."

He nodded and asked, "Whats on your mind?"

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