Found a home

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Once Lauren left, the girls continued to quietly finish their dinner. They were a bit shy in a cafeteria full of strangers and focused their eyes down to draw less attention. If that was possible....

Demi stared at them smirking, highly amused by their sudden shy personalities. These girls were tense, and although they trusted her, they were only truly relaxed when Lauren was present.

"Alright guys go ahead and ask away. I"m sure you have questions, your dying to have the answers to." Demi said chuckling.

"Are these people all Guardians?" asked Camila.

"Why underground?" asked Ally with a scrunched nose.

"How can you afford all this?" asked Normani curiously.

"Is this like a super hero Hogwarts?" blurted Sofie.

"How can cafeteria food taste so good?" asked an excited Dinah.

The four Guardians burst out laughing as Demi shook her head smiling.

"Yes Sofie, in away it kind of is like Hogwarts. We call this place New Age, mainly because we train Guardians for the future Era that this world is approaching. Our code name for it is Head Quarters or HQ for short. Yes Camila all these people are Guardians, all specializing in a certain element. Some have elemental powers some have psychic, but each have a specialized knowledge of a element. We chose under ground Ally, because it's the most remote and safest. Only a powerful earth user like of the Five has the power to cause us any real damage. Simon started a lower key type of HQ and kept it running for a while,once we found Lauren she had the resources and engineering degree to really make all this happen. And Dinah thank Lauren for the food,she was the one that demanded Home style cooking be served, saying that if we wanted people to spend large amounts of time without the sun, might as well make it feel like home." Demi finished.

"Laurens that rich?" asked Normani.

"Lauren is really rich,and invests her money well. She has her hands in everything, but leaves money making business to our Guardians who have accountant training. We all worked in the real world like you before Simon brought us together. He governs the inter workings of HQ,kind of like a principle."

"I'm too good looking to be compared to a stuff principle Demi." exclaimed an offended Simon.

The girls started laughing at his obvious disdain at the idea.

"So who is in charge?" asked Ally.

"Lauren, because without her all of what were trying to do fails and she is too powerful to trust someone other than her to be her boss. She is naturally humble, so anyone else would use her as a weapon. She is the Leader of the Five, so we follow her. Although she micro manages. Simon oversees the training schedules and resources of New age, while also helping me plan missions. I oversee all training, since I'm the Guardian of the Five, and I lead missions with Lauren. Marissa, Jade and Selena are like our lieutenants, they run communications and provide us back up." Demi answered.

"If you started training Lauren six months ago, how is all this possible?" asked Camila confused.

Simon and Demi looked at each other frowning, as they tried to figure out who would be better at explaining. Demi sighed as she rubbed her forehead and decided it was up to her.

"Six months ago me and Lauren were going from safe house to safe house, trying to train. After Two weeks Lauren woke up from a vivid dream and started sketching. Before I found her, she was engineer for one of her companies and had a lot of experience creating ideas much like where we're sitting. It took her half a day, to draw up basic schematics to this place. Within a week she had bought thousands of acres and hired people overseas to fly in and build New age. She had hundreds of people working on this secretly around the clock as she trained. Within three months this place was finished. I called Simon and he brought the little Guardians he had, and she had him set up the technicalities of the inner workings of New age, and told him to find more Guardians. This place was the closest to a real home a lot of them ever had. The facility is miles long, we have precautions against invaders just in case, but we've made it virtually indestructible. We've got about fifty plus Guardians currently, but can house at least thirty thousand people. We're still making additions." Demi said frowning.

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