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Dinah Jane Hansen was pissed.

Her car decided to piss her off by not wanting to start.

She drove all the way to all the way to New port beach hoping to meet some one new, or at the very least make a freaking friend, but no that was just wishing for miracles. Men never approached her because of her height, and girls were intimidated because of her height and rough exterior.

She was nineteen years old, all she wanted was someone to hang out with.....

She pouted as she looked under the hood of her car. She thought about the few times she had come close to making friends...... that was until the accidents started happening.

She would accidentally melt the ball they were throwing around, or the door knobs of her new friends home, having to make up a excuse to leave before they figured out what she'd done. She'd changed her number so many times the operator probably knew her by name now.

Tears pricked her eyes as she thought of the orphanage she spent her whole life in, and how the kids never wanted to play with her. When she grew into her teens, they rejected her friendly nature, calling her man hands and Ru Paul. She couldn't even watch glee without bursting into tears every time Santana made fun of Rachel. 

Why couldn't her life be easier?

Why couldn't her parents have chosen a different night to send her to a friends house. The men that broke into her home and murdered her parents could have at least killed her too,  then she wouldn't be living her life alone. The only thing that kept her going, was the fact that she had to live for them. It was the least she could do. Someone had to remember them, even if it was just her.

She closed the hood of her car, jumping back at the sight of a Dark skinned man leaning on her drivers side door.

"Wow dude make or noise or something, that some scary ninja shit." Dinah exclaimed clutching her chest as she tried to calm herself.

The man chuckled darkly. As good looking as this guy was, he gave Dinah the creeps. He had this smile that some girls might call charming, but the only word Dinah would use to describe it would have been sadistic. 

He pushed himself off her car and started walking towards her, causing her to nervously step back from him.

"Why hello Dinah, we've been looking every where for you. My names Siope and I'll be responsible for killing you tonight." He said smiling as he got closer.

"Dude your crazy, what nut house did you escape from? Stay the hell back dude!" exclaimed a scared Dinah.

No it couldn't end this way for her, she could not be one of those damn random girls from the scary movies she loves to watch, that died at the hands of a psycho.

Fight o flight? Yeah dude was too big she had to hit bricks! She stated running towards the pier, praying to God there was at least a security guard there with a taser or something.

"Ah I love it when they run! It's all about the chase!" He shouted laughing as he chased her. She ran through the shops looking for one that was open. She quickly lost track of where she was going, and found her self at the end of the board walk, with no where to go but into the ocean. God knows she wasn't the world greatest swimmer.

"Since you like the beach so much, how about you go for a swim!" said Siope sadistically. He lift his hands and suddenly a large body of water lifted up, crashing into Dinah, carrying her under the pier.

Dinah was panicking, she couldn't swim to the surface because the water kept pushing her down. She desperately tried to figure out a way out of this situation she was stuck in, when a voice spoke in her mind.

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