Midnight escape

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Demi sat in their hotel room and unpacked her laptop. Hacking into the hotels security camera's, she was able to see every angle of the inside and outside of the hotel. As the other girls were cleaning up and resting, Lauren entered the room with two duffle bags.

"We've still got plenty of ammo, so we should be fine, but were gonna have to take security shifts. I've got a bad feeling coming, but if we get back on the road this tired, we wont be able to take on what's coming." said Lauren.  Demi nodded agreeing.

"We're almost there Lo, they'll be safe soon. Take a shower and get some rest, I've got first watch." comforted Demi.

Fifteen hours later, it was around midnight and Lauren watched the camera's as Demi slept. She had a horrible feeling something bad was going to happen, and it made her panic. Waking Demi up she urgently whispered," We gotta go now."

Thankfully when she started getting the bad feeling, she armed herself with more weapons than she had before and was ready for anything. Running into the next room she quickly woke up Mani, and covered her mouth before she could scream.

"Wake the girls, throw what you can on quickly, and grab what you can. We gotta go now." she whispered quickly.

Mani's eyes widened at the urgency in Laurens eyes and nodded quickly. The girls moved faster than they ever had before, and met in Lauren and Demi's room.

"Get to the car and be as quiet as possible. Demi scan the car before you let them open it. Our bikes too. When your done get as far away as possible and head to where we discussed." she said quietly.

"Aren't you coming with us?" asked a worried Camila.

Lauren and Demi looked at each other sadly. "I'll meet you. No matter what happens..... trust with your heart not with your eyes. If you believe I'm coming for you despite what you may see, you'll have nothing to worry about. Come on we gotta go." Lauren said smiling sadly.

Lauren took the front, and quietly led them towards the stairs not trusting the elevator. She pulled out her gun and checked every corner as she descended. Once they reached the stairwell door she carefully opened it and ushered them into the first floor hallway.

She opened the door to the outside, and they quickly made their way to their cars. Demi Immediately started scanning as the girls waited. She checked the mustang and the bikes.

"There's a bomb under the mustang, our bikes are fine. It's set to go off in ten minutes, it'll take me at least that to deactivate it." said Demi quietly.

Lauren nodded and handed her a flashlight.

Demi grabbed it and quickly got to work. As soon as Lauren let go of the flash light, a chill crawled up her spine, causing her to slowly turn around. When she did, her gaze was met with a girl she hoped to never see again.

Slowly clapping, the girl drew everyone's attention to her as she slowly approached them.  Her clapping stopped as she came to a halt about fifteen feet from them.

"I see you've found my present gorgeous, you're getting better.... But still not good enough." the girl said smiling.

"Ariana still looking as much of a bitch as ever." said Lauren smirking.

Laughing Ariana said, "Still Sassy. So sexy Lo. When are you going to join me and give up this stupid suicide mission? From what I've heard you've taken quite the beating, even managed to kill those idiots Austin and Troy. You have so much potential Lauren, why are you wasting it?"

"Oh I don't know, you know I love a challenge. Still bitter that I'll never want you Ari?" said a smiling Lauren.

"You may not want me now, but the general has given me permission to capture you. He know's potential when he see's it, and you've got it in spades. You play the martyr all you want, but you know what I know. Your just as much of a killer as I am." Ariana fired back smiling.

"She's not a killer, she's a hero!" Camila shouted angrily.

"Ah I see you have a fan. Sorry dirt girl but she's mine and I don't share. Although I'm not opposed to adding another feisty Cuban to the mix." Ariana said smirking.

"Lay one finger on her and I will truly be the killer you claim me to be." Lauren spat angrily.

Ariana looked at the two Cubans thoughtfully, as she tapped her chin with her finger. "I see. You've got a crush Lo, how stupid. You belong to me and me only Lauren, when will you learn?" she said angrily.

"I belong to the five and only the five. When will you learn?" said a furious Lauren.

"Well, if that's how you want to play it, I guess I'll have to take you by force. Either way your coming with me. So whats your poison Lo? Powers or no powers?" Ariana said smirking.

"No powers. But lets be real, you'll cheat anyway. " said Lauren smiling.

Ariana pulled out a staff she had strapped to her back, she twisted it and it expanded much like Demi's had, but Ariana's staff ends were as sharp as knifes. "So true."

Lauren had take off her jacket as Ariana had  gotten her spear, and had a staff of her own. She powered her staff ends so they spit electricity. She charged Ariana driving her back away from the girls.

They moved as if they had the force the star wars nerds were always talk about. It was amazing to watch.

Ariana kicked Lauren so hard, she crashed into a parked car. She was went to stab her when Lauren rolled to side narrowly missing her sharp staff. Using the air element she launched herself into Ariana throwing them into the windshield of a parked car. They quickly recovered rolling away from each other and proceeded to offensively attack each other.

"Got it!!" yelled Demi.

She scrambled up bomb in hand. She quickly reprogrammed it to go off in two minutes and threw it fifty feet from the two girls.

"Get in now and go!" she shouted.

The girls scrambled in the car as she hopped on her bike. Camila watched Lauren and Ariana fighting, as Mani ripped out of the parking lot.

(You've got less than a minute Lo, blue Mazda) said Demi.

With a heavy heart she left her friend, and proceeded to follow the Mustang. They were three streets over when they heard the explosion. They kept driving, waiting for the roar of their Suzuki but it never came.

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