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It had been a few weeks and the girls were making progress.

"Dinah you completely missed the target and almost took Ally's head off!" yelled Demi.

Dina smiled sheepishly as she said "sorry".

The progress was slow.

"Every one take a break." Demi said frustrated as she walked away.

"I didn't mean to hurt you Ally, I swear." Dinah said quickly as tears started to form in her eyes.

"I know Dinah, it was a accident. Demi knows too,she's just frustrated. There's probably something bothering her and Lo has been M.I.A a lot lately. " Ally said as she smiled reassuringly.

"I'm gonna go talk to Demi and see if we can work something out, because this isn't working." said Ally.

She left looking for their Guardian slightly irritated at her behavior. They were doing the best they could, but it wasn't enough and they knew that. They needed to train individually rather in a big group. They each had different skills and weren't getting enough one on one training. They needed Lo. She found Demi hitting a punching bag at the far end of the room. She stood for a moment admiring the view that was Demi.

Her red hair was in a bun, the small hairs that tried escaping were now matted to her forehead as she hit the bag with powerful blows. Her body looked tight with strain and Ally could see her abs through her tight muscle shirt. Ally bit her lip and shook her head trying to focus on what she was here for.

"Are you okay Demi? You blew up and that's not like you." asked Ally softly.

Demi stopped hitting the bag and held onto it as she leaned her her head against the bag.

"I need Lo. I need her to help me train you guys or you'll never be ready, but I'm afraid to talk to her about it. She is trying to save lives we'll need, and she is already stressed that she isn't doing enough. If I ask her to let the other guardians do it she may not me receptive to the idea and I'll be right back where I am." Demi said quietly calming down.

Just having finally voiced her concerns has made her feel the weight drop  from her shoulders.

Ally walked behind her and started to massage her shoulders, making Demi whine in content. What surprised her was Ally's firm and rough grip. Her mind started to wander and she had to reel it in before she got herself too worked up.

"You have to take the chance and talk to her. She may surprise you and understand. If she doesn't than make her Demi. You have a voice too. Your her Guardian and she wouldn't be able to do what she can if it weren't for you. From what I've seen of lo, she values your opinions. Where was the fiery red head that kicked ass and took names? You are agressive, and right now your being soft and thats unlike you. Be what you are and get what you need done." Ally told her in her no nonsense tone.

Demi burst out laughing and turned to look at her confidant. "Your just full of surprises Ally Brooke." she said smiling.

Ally smirked and let her hands gently massage her lower back. "Oh you have no idea  what I'm capable of, but if your lucky.... one day you might see, just what I can do."

She let her hands glide down her back and turned walked away. Demi watched her hips sway in her work out shorts with her mouth open.

"What the fuck just happened." Demi whispered to her self.

She went pack to punching the work out bag, frustrated in a completely different way.


Sorry short filler chapter guys. Next one will be long promise!

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