A beautiful surprise

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Lauren sped through the sky like a bullet, following the directions Marissa had sent her.

She was so relieved the girls were safe and felt like she could finally breath. She hadn't realized just how stressed she was about their safety, until she entered HQ.

Since the blast that killed Ariana, she had been feeling empty. Growing up with no family was one thing. Hell being born with boy parts was bad enough, now she was made of metal. Her skin looked like a bran new nickel and it seriously depressed her.

She may have always felt like a freak, but she always had known she was beautiful. Now she didn't even have that. All she wanted was to find a love like her parents, looks like that isn't going to happen, she thought bitterly.

As she flew, she pictured Camila's beautiful face. Lauren was entranced by her, there was something about those beautiful brown eyes that screamed home. But now she was even more of a freak than she was before, so her chances were non existent.

But Camila called her a hero.

Maybe she saw something in her that would give Lauren a fighting chance.

Lauren never believed in love at first sight, but the second she heard Camila screaming for her sister she had been captivated by her. When Sofie was taken, she hadn't even seen Camila's face, but she heard her cries. Something in her snapped, and she wanted to do whatever she could to help the beautiful voice.

Even after her silver transformation, she could feel Camila's eyes watching her. So maybe there was a chance. Even if it was small she would be happy.

But even if she had a small chance, being together would be dangerous. She really needed to practice being gentle right now. Her strength worried her.

She had been flying for about an hour or two when she was able to make out the statue of liberty in the distance. Flying past, she landed on the top of the empire state building, pulling out her burner phone and to check the address Marissa gave her.

She was slightly confused when it gave her an abandoned warehouse district. Deciding to check it out anyway, she flew to her destination.

A few minutes later, she arrived at a old run down warehouse. Landing quietly, and scanning her surroundings she didn't see anyone in it. Deciding to check the inside more thoroughly, she grabbed the chains for the door ripping them apart.

Stepping into the warehouse she was immediately met with a metal bat to the head. It ricocheted off her head hard, flying out of her assailants hands.

Her attacker ran and jumped climbing up a set of beams hiding out of view.

"What the hell, you some kinda ninja or something kid?" asked Lauren impressed.

"What do you want!? If your looking for a place to squat don't bother! This place is mine! there's another open space a few blocks over go there!" said the angry voice.

Lauren looked into the dark area the voice was coming from and said, "I'm looking for Maggie Williams. She's sixteen and apparently lives here."

"What do you want with her?" asked the voice, suddenly sounding scared.

"I'm here to help her. She is going to be in danger very soon, and I want to help her get to sa safe place." answered Lauren.

"Why would she be in danger?" asked the voice, curious but still not trusting enough to reveal her identity.

"Because she wields power over fire, and there is a man out there gathering followers to recruit or kill people like her. A large group of us have been chosen to stop him, and we are trying to save as many people like us as we can, before he can either corrupt them or kill them. I wish you no harm Maggie and if you truly don't want to come with me, I wont force you, but please think about it. We can train you to defend yourself, we can provide a home for you. And should the day come where you want to leave, you can. I promise you will be safe with me." Lauren told her as she took a seat on a old sofa and waited for a response.

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