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The girls gasped as they stepped into the training room. It was huge. Actually huge didn't do it justice. It was massive....

It had a track, obstacle course, weight lifting area, boxing ring, to be honest it would be easier to list what it didn't have.

"Okay girls, none of you have much in the way of stamina, and to use your powers and have control over them takes a lot of energy. It'll take time before you guys get to were Lo is, but you will get there I promise. Once you train enough, everything will be second nature. There are other elemental users out there, but because your the five, your more powerful and can have full control of your element not just aspects of it. Some fire users can only manifest fire balls, while you Dinah can manipulate fire anyway you want." Started Demi leaading them on towards the track.

 "Okay guys I want fifteen laps around, we'll be conditioning for a few hours and move on to hand to hand." said Demi

"What about our powers?" asked Ally confused.

Demi laughed, as she said,"If I tried to train you with your powers now, you'd be out like a light. You'd only last a few minutes. Before you even start to mess around with them, you have to learn the concept of each of your  powers. Once you learn to concentrate your energy we'll make training with them a daily habit." answered Demi.

She clapped her hands and yelled, "Alright kids! Lets move it!"

Camila groaned as she followed her with the other complaining girls. "I'm a freaking clutz, this is a accident waiting to happen!"

"At least you don't have short legs!" whined Ally.

"Ah hell nah, fifteen laps? The only exercise I so is from my bed to the fridge!" ranted Dinah.

"Oh you guys quit complaining! You act like we didn't know what we were gonna have to do. Come on  guys think of Lauren! We can do this!" exclaimed a determined Sofie.

"She's right guys it may suck now, but Lo did this too. We owe her to push ourselves." agreed Normani.

The other girls felt bad at their complaining, and decided to focus on doing the best they could.


Lauren walked into the training room with Maggie and watched her girls running. She wore tight black tights that cut off at her knees with a black sports bra, as Maggie wore the same clothes in green.

"Man they look rough. They are really out of shape." commented Maggie.

"Yeah their kinda like newbies in a way, so Mags hows the stamina with running?" asked a smirking Lauren.

Maggie grinned at her cousin and said, "I've been on the run my whole life, how do you think it is?"

Lauren smirked and said, "Lets show them how its done then. We'll see if we can get twenty laps done before their fifteen. "

Maggie grinned and fist bumped her cousin. After securing their running shoes, they were off.

The Five girls were on their third lap, when they saw two people run pass them. Their eyes watched as the two kept in step with each other easily and were already almost done with one lap.

"Are you freaking kidding me?" said Camila out of breath. She watched the young girl with Lauren keeping up with her easily.

"Damn, do you see Maggie's butt? It's huge! And she has abs!" exclaimed a shocked Sofie.

"She looks like she is in good shape." agreed Ally.

The two cousins passed them just as the girls were barely making it around, and were still running at top speed. An hour Later the girls fell to the tarp exhausted. They were sweating and panting, unable to move when Demi, walked up to laughing.

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