Asking for help

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Lauren walked off the elevator onto her level with a heavy sigh.

In the past few weeks her and the Guardians had managed to save at least a hundred people. They had only managed to save the people in the U.S, and she was worried because Europe  was a large continent. and the General was gaining support among the people she couldn't get to.

She was so tired she plopped herself on the living room couch and relaxed for the first time in hours.

She had only drifted off to sleep for a few minutes, she was woken up by loud chatter.Blinking her tired eyes open, she saw her group of girls coming off the elevator.

Noticing their exhausted leader the girls sobered and quickly took in her appearance.

"You weren't at dinner or lunch, and we didn't see you at breakfast. Have you eaten anything?" asked a worried Maggie.

"I'm too tired to go to the cafeteria. I just want to lay here. " said a Lauren in a strained voice.

"I'll go make you something to eat. Any preferences?" asked Ally.

"Ally, you could give me a moldy sandwich and you'd still be my Queen." Lauren replied softly.

Ally laughed quietly as she said, "Well this highness will be back soon." As she left quickly she threw Demi a smirk and said, "This is your chance, don't chicken out."

Camila walked up to Lo and motioned her to get up. When Lauren did, she moved behind her and started to massage her back. Lauren let out a whine of happiness as she said, "I take that back Ally is my princess, you my love are my Queen."

Camila blushed and Maggie laughed at her flustered state as she saw her cousins obliviousness. Taking off her cousins boots, she started to massage her cousins feet. Lauren sighed in relief and said,"I could so kiss you both right now."

Then scrunching her face she said, "on second thought, not you Maggie not you, that would be gross."

Maggie laughed as Camilla smiled like she won the lottery.

"Rude. Maggie is a hottie Lo, Maybe she doesn't want your kisses." taunted Dinah as the other girls laughed.

"I would hope not, she is my cousin after all." Lauren replied, unknowingly outing her younger cousin.

Camila stopped her massage as Lauren whined in protest. "Wait. You guys are cousins?!"

Laurens eyes shot open and she quickly looked at her cousin in panic. She didn't want to cross a line with going against her wishes. "Oh my God, I'm sorry Maggie I wasn't thinking. I didn't mean to..." Lauren started to hastily explain.

Maggie laughed and cut her off, "It's okay Lo, enough time has past for the girls to get to know me. I do think we should keep it between us though, you made a point when you saved me and it would be dangerous to give the General ammunition against you."

Lauren nodded in agreement as she said," I agree, I've been thinking about it and it seems safer for all."

"Why didn't you guys tell us?" Camila asked slightly hurt at being kept out of the loop.

The other girls shrugged and as Normani said, "I can figured you were related in some way. You weren't attracted to her, but you were close so it was obvious that you were some how related."

The other girls nodded as Camila huffed and whined out, "Why didn't you guys tell me? You let me think there was something going on?"

"And why would that bother you Mila?" Demi said smirking.

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