one » spiders

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he's sitting on the floor, a canvas in front of him. a paintbrush drips water onto his leg, dangling from his fingers absetmindedly. the water is stained blue and runs streakily down the bare skin of his thigh. tyler hums and dips the brush in his jar filled with water, swirling it around and staring thoughtfully at his painting.

or rather, attempt at a painting. it just looks like a bunch of swirls right now. at least they're pretty.

he adds a bit of green, up in the top left corner. kind of looks like vines, creeping across the canvas like theyre planning to take over. tyler stares bemusedly. this isn't what he intended. eventually the baffled expression on his face slips and he hums again. well. it doesnt look too bad.

tyler sets down the paintbrush and stands up, glancing at the clock and brushing a hand down his bare stomach. he prefers painting in his underwear- less clothes to stain- and his apartment is always too hot, anyway. oh, it's getting late. two in the morning. which isn't too late by tylers crazy night owl standards- for him, falling asleep at six in the morning is normal- but it would baffle any potential roommates. hence the reason he lives alone.

eyes aching a bit, tyler heads to the kitchen to pour some coffee. he's just getting a mug out when he hears his door slam open.

"is there anyone home?" comes a desperate, frantic voice. tyler pads towards the door calmly, seeing a man a bit taller than him, wild blue hair, looking completely bewildered at the sight of tyler. then again, the boy is quite a sight- hair sticking up, in his underwear, paint streaks across his bare skin, and a very pleasant smile stretched across his face.

"hi," says tyler, "im tyler."

"josh," says the sort-of intruder, his panic fading. "i... uh, can i sleep here tonight?"

tyler hums. "why?"

"because there's a really big spider on my wall and i'm terrified of spiders and i dont think i can handle sleeping in the same room as it?" josh exclaims, gritting his teeth. to him, tyler seems slightly crazy. to tyler, josh seems slightly crazy. "dude, please? ill pay you back?"

more humming. it's tylers way of conveying that hes thinking. "sure," he says eventually, even though he made the decision the second he saw josh.

hey friends hope no one minds that i started a joshler fic, also hope no one minds the lack of capital letters and apostrophes (: ive seen quite a few fics written like this and i always liked them.

this is kind of just a distractment from my peterick fic (which u should totally read yo) but yeah i hope you enjoy ((:

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