thirty seven » your turn

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"so, my story?"

tyler takes a deep breath and settles his hands in his lap, trying to overcome the shock at learning josh's secrets.

"it's not as bad as yours. in fact, it pales in comparison."

josh looks bored, impatient.

"you know jenna? the girl i cheated on you with?"

"yeah... get on with it, joseph."

tyler stares at his hands. "she's a drug dealer too. funny, isn't it? remember how i got those pills from brendon- god, that was so long ago- but anyway, remember that?" he waits for josh's nod. "yeah, well, she's sort of like mitch was. coke and shit."

"hurry up." josh is tapping his foot.

"you're clean, right? not addicted to coke or anything?" tyler asks, biting his lip.

"nah. not anymore."

tyler finally smiles and says, "well, that's the difference between us."

instantly josh is on his feet, face growing red, and he's doing all he can not to start screaming. "tyler, for the love of god, please don't tell me you just said you're a fucking coke addict-"

"it sounds pretty bad, doesn't it?" tyler looks up at josh and smiles. "sorry, jishwa."

the pet name makes josh melt. "god, ty, you can't do this to me. i've lost too many good people to drugs. not you, too."

"look, since when have i given a fuck about my life?" tyler frowns. "it's purely accidental that i've survived this long. if i had my way, i would've been dead at, hmm, 14. and i'm rather upset that i'm still alive."

"tyler... kitten, no..."

"shut up, you fucking hypocrite. i need to cope somehow, okay? i was fucking raped by your abusive exboyfriend." tyler glares at him.

josh closes his eyes and exhales. "you have no idea what you're getting into, do you, tyler?"

"nah. but i don't particularly care, either."

and with that, tyler stands up, kisses josh square on the lips, and walks away.

"i'm going out," he says breezily. "see you later."

josh watches him leave.

the kid has no idea what he's getting into. he's going to kill himself. and he's happy about it?

fuck, fuck, fuck.

//lmao what the hell am i doing with this story??//

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