eighteen » hip bones

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"so pete invited us over to his place," tyler says, hitting josh's arm to wake him up.


"for fu-- wake up, josh." he hits josh's arm again, and when that doesn't do anything, leans in to press a very wet kiss right on his mouth- which of course wakes josh up immediately. "we're going to pete's today."

josh nods sleepily, brushing his blue curls out of his eyes. "mmkay."

tyler sighs and reluctantly rolls out of bed, heading for the coffee pot.

he may or may not have invited josh over last night in a sort of daze, but there was most definitely zero fucking going on, honestly- which was mostly tyler's fault for being moody and spending two hours venting to josh about a broken paint brush. oh well.

he turns on the coffee pot and waits for the water to boil, rubbing sleep out of his eyes. josh lumbers out of their room a couple minutes later, shirtless, his boxers hanging low on his hips, and tyler raises an eyebrow. "what about clothes?"

"hypocrite," is josh's answer, and tyler looks down and realizes he's also only in his underwear- but at least he has the decency to pull his up properly.

"come here," tyler sighs out, pulling him into a sloppy kiss, wrapping his arms around josh. "nice butt."

"save the morning sex for until after i've had coffee," josh whines, but he kisses tyler back anyway, lips wet and sliding. "dammit, tyler-"

tyler giggles and steps away from him to pour them coffee. "pete's house today, remember?"

his boyfriend yawns in response. "it's not just his house, right? he lives with someone, i think..."

"yeah," answers tyler, handing josh his mug, "mikey way, his boyfriend." (a/n: suck my ASs peterick shippers)

josh nods, sipping at his coffee. "should i get dressed, then?"

"well..." tyler smirks at josh's hip bones. "let's save that for a bit later."

//sorry this is crappy ive got a better update on the way.. also 300 votes is insane & u guys are lovely//

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