twenty two » my house

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//do u get the title if so ily//

"so, you know how we live literally right next door to each other?"

josh cocks his head at his boyfriend quizzically. "yeah?"

"you should move in. you know, to save money."

tyler smiles at him expectantly, and a bit exhaustedly. he's sleep deprived and the spaces under his eyes are sunken and purple, but he keeps his lips curved up in an effort to tell josh everything is okay. because it is, really.

after a moment, doubt settles in and his mouth goes dry. "i'm sorry if it's too soon," he gets out, attempting to control his breathing, "i just thought it would be a good idea..."

don't cry, tyler, that's stupid and weak. come on, why on earth would he say yes?

"no, hold on," josh replies, biting his lip. he lets the corners of his mouth quirk up. "actually, you know what? fuck yeah i want to move in."

did he-

did he just-

oh my god, he did.

"really?" tyler exclaims, his hands flying to his mouth. "really?"

josh nods, his smile growing.

"oh my god, josh, oh my god." tyler presses his lips together and emits a sort of muffled squeal. "sorry, i'm just-l

his boyfriend laughs. "you're so fucking cute."

tyler blushes and shakes his head. "wow, um, wow."

at this, josh kisses him lightly and laughs. "should we go tell the landlord?"

"'i'm moving out,'" tyler says in josh's voice, "'i'm moving next door. because the boy there is ridiculously hot and i have a thing for him. can you make sure the walls in his apartment are soundproo-"

josh smacks his arm. "tyler! behave!"

"okay, okay, the walls are pretty thin," tyler admits, "we'll ask him to evict the guy who lives on the other side of me. i think it's some old grandma. we wouldn't want to traumatized her."

josh's face is red from laughing and blushing. "tyler!"

"alright, what?" tyler grins, letting a laugh slip out. "if no one moves into your apartment, we can use it as a spare."

"oh, yeah, that would make sense," josh raises an eyebrow. "can i go make coffee?"

"course. and make me a cup too."

//hey i don't mean to upset you if you're a peterick shipper as long as you're not obnoxious about it sorry ily bye//

next door » joshler [book #1]Where stories live. Discover now