Chapter 5.

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I wake up to a shooting pain in my head. I scrunch my face up and groan.

"You okay babe?" Perri says softly.

"Yeah, I've just got a really bad headache." I say my eyes still closed.

"I'll get you some painkillers." He says slipping out of bed.

Within 5 minutes Perri re-enters the room with a glass of water and a packet of tablets.

"Thankyou." I say shuffling myself up and resting my head on the headboard.

"Do you want me to take Ava to school?" Perri asks pulling on his jeans.

"No, it's okay- me and Alex will go." I say swigging down a tablet.

"You sure?" He asks looking concerned.

"Yeah, I'm sure." I smile.

Perri gets dressed and goes to get Ava sorted for me whilst I slowly get changed. I peel off my pyjamas and change into some black leggings, my black Adidas jumper and my Nike's. I sit down at the dressing table and rest my head in my hands. My head is throbbing like mad. I take a deep breath in and brush my tangled head softly. I add mascara and concealer- I'm not feeling makeup today. I pull on a black beanie and grab my phone. I head into the bathroom and brush my teeth. I wipe the excess substance from around my mouth then head downstairs.

"You alright?" Alex says taking a bite out of her toast.

"Yeah- just got a headache." I say slumping into the seat next to her. "Ava are you nearly ready?"

"Yeah mummy!" She calls back.

I'm not hungry so I have another glass of water before we all leave to take Ava to school. Alex buckles Ava in whilst I get in the front and turn on the engine. We drive down our road and over to the primary school. I turn off the engine and heave Ava out of her seat. We walk up the path- Ava dragging Alex around. Once we've dropped Ava off at her classroom, me and Alex get back into the car.

"Is there anything you want to do?" I ask turning the engine back on.

"Um, no not really!" Alex smiles.

"Okay then, lets get a Starbucks and head over to the studio." I say as we pull away from the school.

"Sounds good!"

We head over to Starbucks and get two caramel creams to go and get back into the car.

"Thankyou." Alex says as we head down the road.

"No problem." I say scrunching up my face.

My headache doesn't seem to be getting any better. We stop at a red light and I hold my cold drink against my forehead.

"You sure your okay?" Alex asks looking at me.

"Yeah." I say putting my drink down and pulling away from the lights.

We eventually arrive at Dancework and head inside. We say hi do Dani and Ellie before heading into studio 1.

"Hey guys." I smile as we walk inside.

"Hey girls!" Jordan says mimicking me.

I roll my eyes and make myself comfy on the mats. Alex comes and joins me, her eyes glued to the screen of her phone.

"Who you texting?" I joke.

"Oh, just somebody..." She says locking her phone.

"A boyfriend?!" I tease.

"Maybe..." She says looking down.

"No way! Who?" I say intrigued.

"Just this lad Tommy at school." She says shrugging.

"How old?" I ask curious.

"15." She says looking down at her phone as the screen lights up.

"So, he's in year 9 or 10?" I ask rubbing my head.

"10." She says.

"Just... be careful." I smile.

My head hurts so much it's unreal. I shiver and pull the sleeves of me jumper down over my hands.

"Are you cold?" I ask furrowing my eyebrows.

"No, I'm quite warm actually." Alex says her eyes fixed on the boys dancing.

I sigh and lie down, curling myself up into a ball. I feel my eyes slowly closing.


Ashley is teaching us a new routine- it's really good! I glace over to Cassidy and Alex, Cassidy is asleep with her jumper wrapped tightly around her. I frown and mouth 'Is she okay?'  to Alex. She mimes back 'She's cold.' and pretends to shivers.

"Perri!" Ashley calls.

"Yeah, what? Sorry." I say running my hands through my hair.

I haven't seen Cassidy this ill in ages. She's really pale.

We continue rehearsing until about 2:50pm. I grab my phone and keys and go over to Alex.

"Do you want to come get Ava with me?" I whisper looking at Cassidy.

She nods and follows me out of Dancework and gets into the passenger seat. We drive down the road and pull up outside Ava's school and head up the long path to her classroom.

"Is it true that I used to call you my boyfriend?" Alex asks looking embarrassed.

"Yeah!" I chuckle. "All the time! You used to tell Cassidy off if she kissed me because I was your 'boyfriend'!'

"Oh god!" She says shaking her head. "That's so embarrassing!"

"Don't worry about it! You were only 5!" I joke.

"Daddy!" Ava squeals running over to me.

"Hey princess!" I say picking her up.

We head back to the car and make our way back over to the studio, Ava has her dance lesson. We head inside and I change her out of her uniform and into some dance clothes. I take her into studio 2, then head back into studio 1. Sam is putting his jacket over Cassidy.

"Is she okay?" I ask heading over to her.

"She was shivering- so I grabbed my jacket." Sam says quietly.

I sit down next to her and place the back of my hand on her forehead. She's burning. It's strange. I touch her cheek and it's exactly the same. I hold her hand- her hand is ice cold.

"You can take her home Pel." Ashley says sympathetically.

"Cheers bruv." I smile.

I gently rock Cassidy until her eyes flutter open.

"Let's get you home." I say softly hugging her.


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