Chapter 11.

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I drop Sadie and Carter back off at their house before heading home. I heave an exhausted Ava out the car and head inside. I carry her upstairs and change her out of her clothes and into a onesie. She crawls into bed and pulls the covers up to her chin. I bend down and kiss her on the forehead before heading out of her door and turning off the bedroom light.

I think about what happened at the studio less than a hour ago. Why wouldn't Perri just say he was meeting a 'fan'? Instead of lying and telling the boys he was meeting me. He doesn't think. I shake my head and peel off my clothes, jumping into the shower. The warm water hits my body, relaxing me. I wash my body and hair before getting out and wrapping a towel around myself. I step out of the ensuite and into our bedroom. I find myself some clean pyjamas and pull them on. I rub my damp hair with a towel before climbing into bed. I hear the front door close. I grab the TV remote and turn on the TV.

"Cassidy?" Perri says pushing open the bedroom door.

"Yeah." I say prying my eyes away from the TV screen.

"I just want to say- I'm a complete idiot. I should of never gone to meet Becca because I knew what was going to happen too. This time though, I stopped her from kissing me-"

"Ooo! Well done- you stopped another girl from kissing you." I say sarcastically.

"Don't be like that- just please forgive me." He says sitting next to me.

"Pel, I don't need to forgive you because I was never mad at you." I say shaking my head.

"I don't understand?" He says confused.

"I'm disappointed. The fact that you would even think of going and meeting another girl behind my back is what hurt- like you know what happened last time... and the time before."

Perri cups my face, his big brown eyes looking directly into mine. His lips crash into mine. I feel him smile against my lips. He pulls away and studies my face.

"I love you." He says softly.

"I love you too." I smile.

Perri gets undressed and slips into bed next to me. We snuggle up to eachother, using our body heat to keep us warm.

I wake up to the sound of rain once again hitting the window. I sigh and untangle myself from Perri's hold. I push my feet into my slippers and shuffle downstairs. I make myself a cup of tea and slump onto the sofa. I switch on the TV and turn on the news. My phone vibrates next to me. I pick it up and see Alex's name on the screen. I smile and swipe the screen across.

'Hey!' I say cheerily.

'Hey, is it really early? I couldn't work out the time difference!'

'Na it's 8am, so got any news?'

'Well that's why I'm calling!'

'Oh right...'

'Yeah, so I've decided to go onto the local singing competition that gets aired on tv!'

'No way! That's amazing! You will be brill!'

'Thanks! Anyway, I've got to go! It's like 11pm here.'

'Go and get some sleep missy!' I joke.

'Aha, cya!'

'Bye!' I say ending the call.

I finish my drink and head upstairs. I can't hear any noise from Ava's room, so I head straight back into our room. Perri's up and dressed already. I head over to the wardrobe and flick through my clothes. It's cold and wet. I pull on some tights and a black tube skirt. I find a white jumper and pull that over my head. I sit down at the dressing table and brush my hair. I add my normal makeup before pushing my feet into some black pumps. 

"Me and Ava are going now." Perri says kissing me on the cheek.

"Okay, I will pop down the studio after." I say looking over the Bannister. "Bye princess, be good!"

"Bye mummy, I will!" Ava calls back.

I stuff my phone into my bag and head downstairs. I grab a black scarf and wrap it around my neck. I get my keys off the kitchen counter before slinging my bag over my shoulder and heading out the door. I get into my car and turn on the heaters. I blow on my hands until they warm up. I pull off the drive and head over to my managers office. I pull up outside and trudge up the 3 sets of stairs.

"Ah, morning Cassidy!" Frank says.

"Morning." I say sitting down opposite him.

"So next week you have a music video for Zendaya, which lasts two days-"

"Hold on!" I say stopping him. "For real! The actual Zendaya?!"

"Yes, the actual Zendaya!" He chuckles. " After that, so on Wednesday, you have a dancewear shoot. And Saturday you have a-"

"Street Sister's rehearsal." I say at the same time as him.

"Looks like your all set then!" He says.

"Okay, thanks! See you Monday." I smile standing up.

"Yep, see you then."

I grab my bag and head back to the car. All the heat that was created earlier has gone. I hold onto the freezing cold steering wheel and set off for Dancework. Within 30 minutes I arrive. I park up next to Sam and make my way inside. Oh God- I forgot about Sam- he tried to kiss me.

"Hey guys!" I say picking up Ava. "Where's Ash?"

"He's doing some TV work today and all next week." Jord says.

"Oh cool!" I nod.

"I've been dancing with the boys mummy!" Ava says proudly.

"Have you?!" I say raising my eyebrows to the boys.

They let out a little chuckle.

"Well let me see it then!" I say putting Ava back onto the floor.

She stands in the centre of the boys and jumps around, then the boys lift her a couple of times.

"WOW!" I say clapping. "That was so good!"

I make my way into the cafe to get myself a can of coke. I'm putting my money into the vending machine when I feel the presence of someone behind me.

"Cassidy?" Sam says unsure.

"Yeah Sam?" I say collecting my drink and sitting down.

"I just wanted to say I am sorry about what happened yesterday." He says sitting down opposite me.

"It's okay, just forget about it, nothing happened." I smile.

"But I can't forget it..."

"Why not?" I frown.

"Because, because I love you Cassidy..."

Forever And Always? ~ Sequel to 'Love Unlocked' & 'Plus One'.Where stories live. Discover now