Chapter 6.

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I open my eyes sweat dripping off me. It's pitch black outside. I look over to Perri sleeping peacefully. I sigh and squint at my phone screen as it lights up the whole room. 3:24am. Great. I push back the covers as I'm overheating. I stand up and make my way downstairs. A burning sensation rises up my throat. I'm going to be sick. 

I lose my bearing- I can't see what's in front of me. I grab hold of the kitchen door before everything goes black.



I sit bolt upright. What the hell was that? I look over to my left, Cassidy imprint was the only thing there. I quickly grab my glasses and throw back the covers. I rush downstairs and see Cassidy figure in a crumpled mess on the floor. I run over to her and hold her head in my hands.

"Cassidy, babe? Wake up!" I plea.

I hear footsteps behind me. I look back to see Alex, a worried expression on her face.

"Call an ambulance- NOW!" I half shout.

I look down at Cassidy's pale face. Tears threaten to fall. This cannot be happening. I gentle shake her, trying to get her to open her eyes.

"Cassidy, please- please open your eyes." I whisper.

Within the next 10 minutes the ambulance arrives. Two paramedics carry Cassidy out on a stretcher. I follow them out and climb into the back.

"I will stay here with Ava- call me if anything happens." Alex says from the doorway.

"Okay thanks- can you take Ava to school as normal? I don't want to worry her." I half smile.

"Yeah sure, don't worry." Alex says reassuringly.

We rush over to the hospital. The hospital take Cassidy into a room. I try to follow but get told to wait in the waiting room.

"I need to be with her!" I say trying to get past the doctor.

"You can't be in here! Please wait over there- we will notify you straight away." He says before closing the door.

I slump into a nearby seat with my head in my hands. Tears fall continuously from my eyes. I compose myself and pull my phone out from my pocket. I unlock it and click on my contacts, I hover over Jordan's name before pressing the screen. It rings 4 times before he picks up.

'Pel? What's up bruv?' He says sleepily.

"It's Cassidy, she's been rushed into hospital." I say between sniffs.

"I'll be right over." He says before the line goes dead.

I sit in the silent waiting room watching the seconds pass. I can't take this- I have to know what's wrong with Cassidy.

"Pel?" Jord says making me turn around.

He pulls me into a hug. More tears fall. He pats me on the back before releasing me.

"Thanks for coming- I didn't really know who to call." I say slumping back into my seat.

"No worries. So, what happened?" Jord asks sitting down next to me.

"I woke up hearing a massive thud. I looked over to see if it had woken Cass but she wasn't there. I rushed downstairs and she was crumpled up on the floor..." I say trailing off.

"Look, I'm sure she will be fine." Jord says squeezing my shoulder. "She didn't seem very well yesterday."

A tall man in a white coat walks into the room. I push myself up in my seat.

"Are you here for Cassidy Baxter?" He asks.

"Yes, she's my girlfriend." 

"If you both would like to follow me." He smiles.

Me and Jord stand up in sync and follow the doctor down a long, narrow corridor. He pushes open the door and ushers us in. I step into the bare room, Cassidy lay motionless hooked up to a drip with a monitor beeping repetitively. I shake my head. Jordan puts his hand on my shoulder.

"What's wrong with her?" I ask quietly.

"She has an acute case of the flu. When she fainted she smashed her head on the floor." The doctor says looking down at the clipboard at the end of the bed.

"She will be okay though?" I ask hopeful.

The doctor nods. "In most cases they are completely fine. She has to stay in so we can make sure that the hit to the head isn't anything serious. We are just waiting for her to wake up now." He says before leaving.

I run my hands through my hair and sit in the seat next to her bed. I intertwine my fingers through her ice cold ones. I bend down and kiss her hand softly.

"Thanks again Jord- you can go if you want." I say half smiling.

"Are you sure?" He says unsure.

I just nod and stare at Cassidy pale face, the red from her cheeks gone.

"I will let the boys know later on." Jordan says patting me on the back.

Jordan leaves and the room goes silent, the only sound to be the continuous beeping from the heart-rate monitor. I tuck a strand of hair behind her ear. I hang my head and stare at the floor. I sigh and sit back in the armchair. I close my eyes, my hand still wrapped around Cassidy's.


I hear beeping and it's getting louder. I can't see anything but black. The beeping won't stop. I drag my heavy eyelids open. My vision is blurry. Where am I?


I feel a slight tug on my hand making my eyes shoot open. I look over to Cassidy, my whole body hopeful. I watch as her eyelids flicker open. A smile stretches across my face.

"Babe?" I say as she turns her head towards me.

"Pel, is that you?" She says, her voice hoarse.

"Yeah, you fainted and hit your head." I say in relief. 

"I can't see, my vision is blurry." She says rubbing her eyes.

"I will get the doctor." I say standing up.

I lean over and kiss her quickly before heading down the corridor. I find him and we head back into the private room.

"Well Miss Baxter, it looks like the impact to your head has caused you to loss your perfect 20/20 vision."

"I'm not blind am I!?" Cassidy says worried.

"No." The doctor chuckles. "It just means you need glasses."

"Great." Cassidy says bluntly.

"Hey, what's wrong with glasses?!" I joke.

Cassidy shuffles and lets out a little giggle. I check the time on my phone. 5:40pm. We've been here awhile. I just want to go home... I'm sure Cassidy does too!

Forever And Always? ~ Sequel to 'Love Unlocked' & 'Plus One'.Where stories live. Discover now