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Someone grabbed the wand, but...it's not who I thought it would be.
JANE grabbed the wand. She spun in circles, struggling to keep hold of it.
In a frightened tone, the Fairy Godmother cried out, "Child! What are you doing?"
"If you won't made me beautiful," she struggled out, "I'll do it myself! Bibbidi! Bobbidi! BOO!"
I ran forward.
Queen Belle yelled, "Careful, Maddie!"
I pulled the wand out of Jane's finger tips and held it high in the air.
I whisper-yelled, "Go, go, go!"
My friends rushed down the balcony to defend me. They ran into the room and stood next to me.
"Maddie," Ben said, "Give me the wand."
I yelled, "Stand back!"
Ben said, "Maddie, it's okay--"
Mal yelled, "She said STAND BACK!"
Audrey yelled, "I told you so!"
I pointed it at her. "You want to try me, Princess?"
Carlos said, "Let's go!"
Jay said, "Revenge time!"
Ben ran next to me. He said, "Do you really want to do this?"
I scoffed, "Do you really think we have a choice?"
Ben said, "Your parents made their choices!"
Ben continued, "You make yours."
In a choppy voice, I said, "I want to go home. This is the only way..."
Ben yelled, "Stop it, Maddie! Do you really want to know what home is? Home is being around the people that care for you."
A single tear fell down my face. I said, "Move back, Ben."
Ben said, "No, Maddie, your not happy there. Your happy with your friends. With me"
"I think I wanna be good," I said. "You are good" he said.
"How do you know that!" I yelled at him.
"Because I'm listening to my heart" he said.
"I wan listen to my heart too" I said.
Slowly, I put the wand on the ground. I said, "I choose good. I...I'm not Medusa. We're not our parents. We don't have to be."
Mal said, "Yeah. Jay, stealing things doesn't make you happy! Tourney and victory pizza with the team makes you happy."
Some boy from the back of the room-pretty sure he was on the tourney team-yelled, "YEAH!"
Mal pointed at Carlos, "And you, scratching Dude's belly makes you happy. Who would've thought, right? And you are so, so smart. You're usually the brains of the operation and I just realized that now."
Mal pointed at Evie. "And E, you do not have to go after prince's all the time. You don't need a prince to be happy."
Mal looked at me. "Maddie, you found your guy. He fell In love with you without the love spell. He saw the real you when you couldn't find it. Ben makes you happy."
"And Mal, you do not have to be tough all the time. Tears don't mean your weak and powerless. It means you've been strong for too long" I told her. She smiled.
I said, "I did found another thing that makes me happy." I wrapped my arms around everyone. "You guys made me happy."
Mal chuckled before saying, "And I don't want to take over the world with evil because it doesn't make me happy. I want to go to school and be with you guys, cause you make me really happy." She turned to Carlos, Jay, Evie and I.
We all smiled at each other.
I put my fist in. "I choose good."
Mal put her first in. "I choose good too."
For a minute, no one joined us.
And then Jay joined. He said, "Hey, I don't want you guys to miss out on my awesomeness."
Evie said, "I choose good."
We all stared at Carlos.
Carlos said, "So, just to be clear, we don't have to worry about how REALLY made our parents will be?" We all laughed, "Because they're going to be really, really mad."
Ben said, "Your parents can't reach you here."
"Okay then," he put his fist in. "Good."
Ben joined. I smiled and leaned against Ben's shoulder.
But guess who just happened to ruin the moment.
        "I'm ba-a-a-a-ck!"

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