Chapter 1

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"OH TAZZZYYYYYYY" Up yelled, chuckling.

"AARRRGHHH! WHERE DA HELL IS MI CACHILLO YOU CABRON?!" Taz had shot up and fallen back into her pillows, pulled the covers up and over her head, blocking out any noise.

Taz was annoyed. But then again, Taz was always annoyed at 5 o clock in the morning. But at least she wasn't trying to kill Up. That was because Up was her mejor amigo.

It had only been a month since the attack had happened and they were already close as could be. Keep in mind though, no matter it being a small amount of time on the ship- Taz was already notoriously known for her anger issues. You do not want to wake her up early, and if you did, you may has well have welcomed Death. Up, however, knew Taz better than anyone. Which was why he had already grabbed her knife and was currently placing mounds of the cafeteria's breakfast and a steaming mug with her coffee, just the way she liked it, on the table next to the couch.

"You need to get on up Taz, today's your first day of being cleared for physical activity! You are officially allowed to roam the ship! With me by your side, of course, but you know-" Up was interrupted with a pillow to the face.

Taz woke up, and upon seeing the food, rushed out of bed- or rather attempted to- and ended up in a tangle of Up's sheets. He started laughing and helped her over to the table.

Her face, set in a scowl until remembering the food, was shining with excitement. She had only been allowed to eat the disgusting sickbay food until that morning.

"Jou are forgiven amigo. Pero only on uno condition. Try not to be too annoying, alright Up?"

"No promises my small friend," Up smiled.

A sudden mass of limbs and black hair and tanned skin tackled Up until they were lying on the ground, laughing softly and the food forgotten.

"Now what in dead-god's name was that for little one?" Up asked, smiling down at his new friend.

"Just wanted to show jou dat no matter mi pequena size- I am tougher than jou!" Taz winked and headed over to the shower to get ready for the day.

A/N: Just for the purpose of this story, I have made Taz 15, and Up 20. I feel like age doesn't matter in a relationship but if Taz was 15, an Up was like 50, that'd be pretty weird and creepy :b And this is my first time ever writing anything, so please be patient with me!

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